Recent content by Lizzy733

  1. Lizzy733

    Medical Issues Associated with Frizzle Double Gene aka Frazzle

    Will be mindful of winter then. We have wet winters and it usually doesn't fall below 5c at the coldest here, but better safe than sorry. She's (?) very human friendly, but fickle about being picked up, which I assume is due to that feather curl and new pin feathers. Is happy once she's(?) up...
  2. Lizzy733

    Medical Issues Associated with Frizzle Double Gene aka Frazzle

    Hello everyone! Long time no cluck 😅 I picked up a pair of frizzled Auracana back in September on my hunt to add the blue egg gene and had assumed at least one parent would have been smooth, but maybe not because I have this girl(?) who is overly curly with tattered tail and primaries like a...
  3. Lizzy733

    Will hens kill older chicks once they start laying again?

    Mother and chicks by the nature of their bond are well integrated. I would be shocked if the mother is the culprit. Are the group being housed separately or with the flock? What size is their enclosure? Are there signs of physical injury on the chick that died or could there be another cause?
  4. Lizzy733

    May 2022 hatch along

    Got one out, 2 more maybe starting to zip, and another pip. No action outta the other 7, but it's day 20, so these guys are early birds. Saw a foot in onea the larger pips, so that lil bubs may need some help at some point. This one is fluffing up to be such a shiny gunmetal and may be...
  5. Lizzy733

    May 2022 hatch along

    Early pips! We're on day 19 going into 20 and I count two... Better get the brooder ready
  6. Lizzy733

    May 2022 hatch along

    A watched egg never hatches .... Wow, I'm gonna set and forget from now on! This hatch has just flown by. Lockdown tomorrow.
  7. Lizzy733

    May 2022 hatch along

    Curious what your sex ratios turn out to be. I know boy embryos are supposedly a bit more sensitive to cold, but as you said, it may have just been that extra start that helped the others tank it.
  8. Lizzy733

    May 2022 hatch along

    I've left all my clears in for the moment to work as little heat sinks. As long as they don't become corrupted, it's not a big issue. Just mark them and check them for any black spots forming in or on the shell and give them a sniff on occasion. Discard if there's any rotten egg smell or growths.
  9. Lizzy733

    May 2022 hatch along

    How far along? The bigger they get, the less temp sensitive they are. A mom might get off the nest for up to an hour with no ill results and I've had a broody chuck eggs which got chilled at 18 days and still hatch. A temporary loss of humidity really is a non-issue too. I'd assume they'll be...
  10. Lizzy733

    May 2022 hatch along

    When I did Golden Campines, there were two clears in the 10 I received. It's a henny feathered breed so did let the seller know. I'd consider it good feedback, personally, especially if its a breed that is known to have fertility issues. I just sent it as an FYI, not a gripe. And dirty eggs... I...
  11. Lizzy733

    May 2022 hatch along

    I have 11 eggs that are on day 14. First time hatching from our own roo since moving to the country and I've been a bit hail mary with these little guys, just chucking them in a cheap incubator and letting fate do its thing. Just checked in yesterday and everyone's thriving, wiggly and showing...
  12. Lizzy733

    May 2022 hatch along

    Oh, one can dream. Crele is an amazing pattern and might need to build them at some point. There's plenty if barred and red to get something going. We have a few cream legbar here, but they are extremely rare and do not lay blue eggs. So jealous of your overseas selection.
  13. Lizzy733

    My hen isn’t walking around and has diarrhoea

    I'm in the same boat as far as reds. It's too sad when you have to cull your brooder baby due to loss in quality of life. I've had cocci in a year old hen before, but that came with severe anemia. (She was extremely pale) Cocci treatment definitely doesnt hurt. Fecal float and an oral drench...
  14. Lizzy733

    My hen isn’t walking around and has diarrhoea

    Yellow in the urates or the actual poo part of it? Yellow or beige poo can be diet related and not have anything to do with liver function if the whites are still clear.
  15. Lizzy733

    My hen isn’t walking around and has diarrhoea

    She looks like a sexlink and now is the time they generally start to go down hill from tumors etc, though it's usually a bit more gradual than healthy one day and sick the next. What color are her poos? Are the urates white or yellowed? The latter can indicate organ failure - particularly liver...
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