Recent content by liveoak

  1. liveoak

    The road less traveled...back to good health! They have lice, mites, scale mites, worms, anemia, gl

    Beekissed.....thank you thank you for this thread. I originally got on this thread because I have a couple hens with pale combs, sneezing, and prolonged molts. This morning they have ACV back in their water and garlic in their morning treats. Don't know why I stopped the ACV....busy work...
  2. liveoak

    [LIST - Over 1,000 names!] Chicken names!

    Rooster: Pickle Hens names: Imelda Cock Block (we call her "CB" most of the time) L'eggs Rhoda Weezy Agnes Be careful what you name your chickens. They may grow into their names. Our little "CB" is a flock protecting bully that even attacks our dogs if they get too close!
  3. liveoak

    Comb Contest - Single! ***WINNER ANNOUNCED!!!***

    This is our little "L'eggs". She has the most gigantic unscathed comb on her petite Leghorn head. It flops up and down while she hunts for treats. She's 11 mos old and lays like a machine!
  4. liveoak

    Comment by 'liveoak' in item 'Star'

    Ditto to everything Californiagirl has to say about sex links. I only have one in my flock of six hens and she is just like all of that, plus a little bossy - to the point of feather pecking. She is incredibly unafraid and friendly and if I leave the back door open, I often come back to shoo her...
  5. liveoak

    DIY Thread - Let's see your "Inventions".

    Hey, years ago I had a vet set the leg of a duckling for me with a popsicle stick (he did it for free and even gave it some pain killer!). It healed just fine. I had to massage the foot a few times a day to make sure the tape didn't cut off circulation. I doubt you will find a kindly old vet...
  6. liveoak

    DIY Thread - Let's see your "Inventions".

    Hey I have bucket nesting boxes too!! Picked them up free at the dump. I screwed half moon pieces of 2x6 in as "bedding holders" with one screw coming through the bottom. They swivel open for easy cleaning. The nests are just sitting in the 2x6' peices that the half moons were cut out of - not...
  7. liveoak

    OXINE seems fabulous. Users please share usage, dosage, storage, etc.

    Hey I noticed lots of folks having issues with their sprayers or humidifiers in this thread. I thought I might suggest a reptile humidifier. I actually plan to buy one tomorrow to try out on a sick hen quarantined in a crate. Last time I had sick hens I sprayed the coop out something fierce with...
  8. Default


  9. liveoak

    Does anyone else use Oxine AH ???

    I was unable to find Oxine AH at any local feed store and I live in a relatively organic/alternative minded highly populated area. I would think it would be here if anywhere. Good luck to you. I needed mine right away because I have a new hen with a respiratory infection and my only option to...
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