Recent content by lively Bee's

  1. lively Bee's

    rude comments! how to respond?

    Quote: HEHEHe I like roy acuff I dont tell people any thing most show up and go OOoo you have chickens When we lived in the city I had bee hives in my yard and one day the lady behind me was freaking out over it when I told her they had been in the same place for a year and then she was ok...
  2. lively Bee's

    Rooster de-roostering?

    We had 2 orders of chicks and ended up with 22 roos and 37 hens here is a interesting break down. 15 red star roos 4 Maran roos 1 Barred Rock Roo 2 EE'r roos Pecking order goes as follows Marans 1 2 3 4 followed by the EE'rs the Barred rock and then red stars all the lowest on the pecking...
  3. lively Bee's

    How old should the roos be before slaughtering?

    My red stars roos I did 6 at 12 weeks 6 at 14 and the next 6 at 16 weeks. We kinda did like Birdbrains post we picked them up and picked out the heavy birds some were a lot smaller then others. 12 weeks red stars had a fair amout of meat but the extra 2 weeks made it worth it at age 14 weeks I...
  4. lively Bee's

    mean dominique??

    This sounds mean but this trick was showed to me by my grandfather years ago. If you flip them on the back of the head it makes the bird think it is under you in the pecking order some times it takes a time or to but it works the same as holding the bird up side down.
  5. lively Bee's

    Crazy question about groundhogs and horses

    We have seen them stand there ground with the cows but never bite one we have also seen ground hogs fight and one or both will be all blood and wonded from the fight. i could see a horse dieing from a bite also.
  6. lively Bee's

    Help! 10 weekers found a new "treat" bad is it for them?

    I give sweet feed at scratch feed every day and I havent had any issue and it has a lot less corn then the sun fresh scratch
  7. lively Bee's


    popular saplings about 2 1/2 " at 3' 4' 6' and 7' and were do they roost in the rafters at 8' o well they showed me
  8. lively Bee's

    3 day old bully

    We have a EE'r roo that was this way I call him Dr. Evil he was only 3 - 4 days old and picked on every one so we placed him in a box by his self with food and water for a week and when we put him back he was no longer the bully some of the other birds were bigger then him. But the down fall to...
  9. lively Bee's

    we're gonna butcher our first birds tomorrow

    I have a friend that use's a plucker that fits a drill he use's it for the pin feathers and the short feathers I find if I only have a few then we just leave them and get them out as we are cooking. I love the skinning of them chickens due to the speed I have no one to help the wife cant take it...
  10. lively Bee's

    HELP! Getting chickens to pen up for the night

    I let them out at 6 - 6:30 am and lock them up at 9:30 - 10 each night they all go in and to bed at dark. If they start to roost out side a lot just keep them locked up for a few days and then start letting them out again and they will have forgot about the old roost spot. but dont leave them...
  11. lively Bee's

    Need help/input on sand arguement

    Concrete sand is made from crushed sand stone first it is blasted then crushed then recrushed to a smaller size. There is nothing in it that will hurt chickens It is 100% natural. It may have some limestone it it as well but it will not hurt chickens I seem them pecking away out in the drive...
  12. lively Bee's

    we're gonna butcher our first birds tomorrow

    Tools I use 8" chef knife 2" paring knife 2' of 14 ga wire kettle of water if I am going to pluck Cable cutters Cooler Tie the feet with the wire and hang up on a tree limb I use the stake hole on my dump turck. Now remove the head with the 8" knife now lay it aside get another bire and do...
  13. lively Bee's

    Murray McMurray - Extra 1 Rare Chick always a Rooster?

    We got a golden laced wyandotte hen and she is a wack job she runs from bugs she runs from other chicken and she runs from people she is on the very bottom of the peckng order You can tell themnot to send you one if you just wont a certin chick.
  14. lively Bee's

    5 day old chick...gasping for air!! HELP! UPDATE!

    does it look like it has the hiccups? I lost 7 bird and looked as if they had the hiccups It was pneumonia put all of your birds on sulmet. Then the chick bird add sugar to the water and sulmet we would give it 1 - 2ml a hr from a eye dropper just give it to it slowly and dip it on the end of...
  15. lively Bee's

    Covering the run

    We have nine hawks that hang around the farm and we have see eagles around also they live on the river right over the hill. So I cover then run but I do turn them out from time to time and let them pick new grass on the out side of the fence and to bet up the cats that stalk them nothing like...
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