Recent content by littlecollier

  1. littlecollier


    Checked in on the one-eyed duckling this morning and everything seemed fine. Gave it nutri-drench and some sort of miracle must have happened - 2 open eyes and a normal belly! Another egg hatched in the brooder, one hatched with Mama outside (but I brought it in to be with the other ducklings)...
  2. littlecollier


    Well, we’ve had a rough day. Mama went missing and Papa lost all his wing feathers early this morning. The other duck hatched an egg, but it seems to have something wrong with it. One eye isn’t opening and it’s belly looks strange and maybe swollen. Any idea what might be wrong?
  3. littlecollier


    A couple pictures from last week of our baby and the new babies. :love
  4. littlecollier


    Hello! Glad you enjoyed the long read. It’s been quite the adventure since we tried hatching our first round two years ago. The three adults we have (two ducks and a drake) are the three ducklings we had back at the beginning. Last year when they started getting broody we had just had our own...
  5. littlecollier


    So our second duck destroyed her nest a little over a month ago and started a new one that should be hatching soon. I just found an egg in our yard with a half hatched duckling that come from her nest ... I’m not sure if it died and she took it out of the nest or if she or something else killed...
  6. littlecollier


    These were all from one duck, she laid 4 in one day and then the other 6 over a few more. She’s rolled some apples from a nearby tree into her nest, so I have a feeling she’ll be sitting there for a while. :lol:
  7. littlecollier


    We are up to 6. A group of 3 came last week and then we had 3 more hatch in the last 48 hours. There are two eggs left in the nest but I’m not sure if they’re still viable. I guess anything’s possible!
  8. littlecollier


    Still sitting away! How long should I leave her? Another week? Our other ducks is also sitting on a nest, curious to see when those start hatching since she was a bit later than the first. :fl
  9. littlecollier


    We have three ducklings out of 10 eggs. Mama kicked two eggs out of the nest and they were cold, so I took them away. Wondering what will come of the last 5 since the ducklings started hatching Tuesday, 24-hours apart. Is there still hope?
  10. littlecollier


    We have two ducklings (including yesterday’s hatch). Now to see if more hatch tomorrow ... she has eight eggs left in the nest. And our other broody Duck has 8 as well. We may be in for quite the increase ...
  11. littlecollier


    You were right! There’s a second one partway out of the shell now. I noticed Mama and Papa kind of pecking at it - Should I be concerned or remove it from the nest? It was meep-meeping away when I tried to catch a look. :jumpy
  12. littlecollier


    Our daughter was going crazy at the window before bedtime yesterday (5:00, still light out) and we noticed a little yellow fuzz outside Mama Duck’s nest - We have a duckling! There are still 9 eggs left with no signs of pips. Is that normal?
  13. littlecollier


    Well ... the four eggs that were left were starting to smell really bad, so I took them away last night. Just found Mama Duck in a new nest with three eggs. Not sure how that happened so fast, but here’s to this clutch doing better than the last. :fl
  14. littlecollier


    Also, those are 4 different eggs. Do you think they’re all dead @Isaac 0 ?
  15. littlecollier


    Yeah. It’s so strange! Mama Duck has been so good about sitting on them all month. I don’t know what went wrong. She’s going to be sad when I take them away. :oops:
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