Recent content by lisakathleen

  1. lisakathleen

    Rooster with labored breathing, possible respiratory infection?

    Sorry it took so long to reply, things have been hectic. He’s been on his antibiotics for a few doses and his breathing has improved. He weighs just over 9 pounds. Some may not approve of this but I’ve also been giving him albuterol breathing treatments for an about 30 seconds at a time a few...
  2. lisakathleen

    Rooster with labored breathing, possible respiratory infection?

    Ok, awesome. I will order the Baytril right now. Thats not too expensive compared to a vet bill. Any idea what could cause swollen sinuses? Again, thank you so much for your quick responses
  3. lisakathleen

    Rooster with labored breathing, possible respiratory infection?

    I’m sorry I don’t know how to work YouTube but I uploaded it and my handle is @lisakrizinsky5217 and it’s available there.
  4. lisakathleen

    Rooster with labored breathing, possible respiratory infection?

    This is the screenshot, my WiFi is giving me problems
  5. lisakathleen

    Rooster with labored breathing, possible respiratory infection?

    No nasal discharge, eyes aren’t cloudy, comb, wattle and earlobes are normal looking. I’ve been trying to upload a video but this is a screenshot from the video. I will try the YouTube upload now. Thank you so much for your fast response. The purple on him is from the wound treatment.
  6. lisakathleen

    Rooster with labored breathing, possible respiratory infection?

    My Alpha rooster, Marco Pollo(Pollo for short), was injured about two weeks ago after going underneath a building and his comb was torn by a protruding screw. Immediately after being injured the younger rooster began attacking him. We treated his injury and he spent the next week in the chicken...
  7. lisakathleen

    Chukar visited my yard in western PA!

    Spotted this guy in my yard by my duck house. He hung around all day and visited with my chickens, helping himself to scratch grains and water. I’ve never seen one of these birds in PA in my 34 years I’ve been alive and was so excited that I spent the entire day just following him around and...
  8. lisakathleen

    Any guesses on my ducklings’ breed?

    Thank you, that’s one breed I was leaning towards! Is it possible they both are and one is male and the other female?
  9. lisakathleen

    Any guesses on my ducklings’ breed?

    Our ducklings are now 4 weeks old and I’m still stumped as to what breed they are. They came from tractor supply and were the only two mostly yellow ducklings in the tub with a bunch of Muscovy ducklings. We didn’t want Muscovy so took these little dudes instead. I know if I were patient it will...
  10. lisakathleen

    Extreme Temp - Cold Winter - Below Freezing in Chicago Windo Chill -25 - -35. Winds up to 55mph

    I’m in Northwest Pennsylvania and the real feel temp is -22F with wind gusts of 50 mph. We live at the top of a hill and I’ve struggled all day to keep my chickens comfortable. Even went against my better judgement and put in a heat lamp so now I’m paranoid about a fire🙁 My coop was not ready...
  11. lisakathleen

    Hen won’t stand, can’t lift her head

    I found one of my hens like this today☹️ I picked her up and found no signs of trauma and when I sat her back down she was able to stand wobbly for a few seconds before laying back down. Her feet were kind of splayed out and she can’t lift her head. I tried to lift it gently front the bottom of...
  12. lisakathleen

    Thanks for yours!

    Thanks for yours!
  13. lisakathleen

    Of course!😃

    Of course!😃
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