Recent content by LilyD

  1. LilyD

    Orpingtons as Meat Birds

    One more step towards my goal. Each year the girls and boys grow a little faster get a little heavier. My primary goal is to grow orpingtons with a focus on temperament and mothering as well as keeping the dual purpose that they were designed for. I want roos who can defend the flock and go...
  2. LilyD

    February Hatch-A-Long

    Usually right after they pip they are quiet but you may see them chewing if you can see their beak they are absorbing the yolk 12 hours later to 24 hours depending on the chick they will get really loud and start working their way out. When they get loud they are working on zipping
  3. LilyD

    February Hatch-A-Long

    Yeah the expense is a big issue for me. I don't get near 1000 chicks even in 5 years so using it all in one season would be impossible. For larger breeders who hatch much more they don't have a problem. Also my adult flock is not vaccinated so I have concerns about making them sick if I...
  4. LilyD

    Incubating Question

    I don't dry incubate but I don't add a lot of water until the end. I tend to run between 20-25% humidity the first two weeks and then 40-65 during lock down. I bring it up usually to 40 when I lock them down and don't add more water usually the hatching chicks bring it the rest of the way up...
  5. LilyD

    February Hatch-A-Long

    I hate doing it even to the adult birds and feel like I'm going to hurt them. I have a feeling our state is going to need to go that way soon so that we have herd immunity in our flocks because the strains are just getting hotter which makes it hard for the nonvaccinated chicks.
  6. LilyD

    February Hatch-A-Long

    You get to come home to a happy surprise that's always good. I still remember the year that I was given a little green chicken egg with a bunch of duck eggs and put them all in the incubator. I was so surprised when the little chick developed and hatched.
  7. LilyD

    February Hatch-A-Long

    Final count after candling out of 42 eggs I had 20 that made it to today (day 13) the rest were definite early quitters or clears. Unfortunately I think the below zero temps are affecting the eggs I'm bringing in causing them to stop developing. Hopefully it will warm up soon.
  8. LilyD

    February Hatch-A-Long

    I haven't but have thought about it. I know people up here are asking for Mareks vaccinated chicks now since it's becoming more prevalent in our area. Biggest issue is that the vaccine is expensive and if you aren't hatching large scale you are wasting a large amount of it since each bottle has...
  9. LilyD

    Incubating Question

    That was what I was thinking stress to the eggs before collection outside or to the hens before laying the eggs. They are orpingtons and while they don't seem to like the snow very much they all seem okay with the cold. But the eggs on days I work are cold when I bring them in because the coop...
  10. LilyD

    Incubating Question

    So I have been incubating for years and generally get 100% hatch rates during the spring and summer hatches. Last year I started hatching in mid January hoping to have babies that would start laying mid summer to add to my flock when the older ladies are ready to take a break and moult. Both...
  11. LilyD

    February Hatch-A-Long

  12. LilyD

    February Hatch-A-Long

    Just candled my second batch. Day 7 was Thursday night. I am seeing veining in most of the eggs. Will candle on more time a day 18 before lockdown to get the final total of who stays in the incubator after that. Hatch day is the 26th fingers crossed.
  13. LilyD

    February Hatch-A-Long

    Baby Pictures!! These guys were my February 4th hatch already getting big. Inside until the temps get back above zero over the night.
  14. LilyD

    February Hatch-A-Long

    Gorgeous no matter the breed.
  15. LilyD

    February Hatch-A-Long

    Gorgeous baby what breed? My eggs are due on the 26th so if they hatch well maybe we will finish in February lol.
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