Recent content by Li'lFlock

  1. L

    Pecking order

    They’ve been getting later feed 16% and I started mixing in about half feather fixer 18% to increase protein intake for winter. They have been foraging a lot the past week. I stopped giving them a few handfuls of 50/50 BOSS/cracked corn on after it warmed up. I was giving that before bed when it...
  2. L

    Pecking order

    I probably have been giving them too many treats. I’m working on fermenting their feed so they get more nutrients out of it too. They have been eating soil out of my dry pots by the house. I wonder if they are missing out on some minerals...
  3. L

    Pecking order

    My 3 girls are 7 months old. No changes other than I’ve had a week off of work to let them out of their coop every day for at least 5 hours a day. More days have been as soon as they wake until they sleep. So they’re not actin out from boredom or confinement. One of my girls keeps getting...
  4. L

    Late bloomer Brahma

    That is so sweet to hear. I love hearing their happy coos. It’s nice to know they vocalize in other ways :love
  5. L

    Late bloomer Brahma

    She’s the same age as the other 2 I have. April 20ish chicks. She’s done it while next to the others and is actually a typical quiet Brahma. She’s also sort of an adventurous loner. Doesn’t mind being alone. I can tell their calls for each other though versus each of their egg songs. My first...
  6. L

    Late bloomer Brahma

    My Brahma has yet to lay. I know her breed is slow to develop into her egg laying time, and she may not lay until spring at this point. But she does egg songs out of nowhere about every other day that I catch, maybe more. She’s been doing it for months. I’ve checked her hips she is slowly...
  7. L


    Thanks so much Molpet & Faraday40! My gosh those orps are GORGEOUS. I definitely want pullets/layers. Want to make the most out of the few I’ll be able to keep for now. I feel bad for my Brahma sometimes, she’s an odd loner sometimes. I have suspicions one is picking on her. Why I was hoping to...
  8. L


    Trying to convince SO for a few fall babies to add to our small flock. I feel like one of our girls is an odd one out sometimes. Did your eggs hatch? Sorry, I’m at work squeezing this message in, can’t scroll through atm.
  9. L

    Expanding Chicken Feed.

    That’s what I thought you meant. Thanks. I always sort of considered it like bird fiber, to aid in digestion. I only have 3 birds. So it’s not like I went nuts.
  10. L

    Expanding Chicken Feed.

    Do you mean as part of their total intake? I’ve always thrown in a few beak’s-worth. Especially when they were smaller and I gave them the chick one with probiotics, and they were still not really foraging and scratching outdoors.
  11. L

    Do all chickens like BOSS?

    My girls loved fresh sunflower seeds, still tender on the flower. They turn their nose up at the dried ones I’ve saved for them. But they love the BOSS I just offered them recently. Showed no interest in tomatoes when they were in season. Toward the end of summer, they started taking them off my...
  12. L


    My barred rock also lays elongated eggs. Reminds me of play dough for some reason. It’s just their anatomy.
  13. L

    Storing Eggs Pointy End Down?

    Every grocer I have ever purchased from has had them pointy side up. Maybe it’s a machine processing thing?
  14. L

    What do you like to do with your eggs?

    I love to cook my egg like this too, salt, pepper, drippy hot yolk yum! Though I like the crispy edge on the white. Saw an article suggest of having an egg over some nice steamy hot white rice. Seriously, the article was like food porn. Over rice has become my favorite treat of a meal, soaking...
  15. L

    radio in there coup??

    I am loving these responses :lau... Now I want to set up a chicken radio :D
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