Recent content by Lilbitsnpieces

  1. L

    Review by 'Lilbitsnpieces' in article 'Wholesome home-made chicken feed, without sweat, tears, a calculator, or deep pockets.'

    Excellent! Enjoyed your research and explanations. As an American I also appreciated your explanation of corn and maize. Thank you for ALL the time and effort out into this article.
  2. L

    What's your flock's favorite treat?

    My girls seems to love the chopped carrots and apples equally. They will often chase each other for them..
  3. L

    How much do you charge per dozen? And location

    I'm in Nebraska. Ive ALWAYS charged 5$ a dozen for chicken eggs. 4.50 for pullets. 6$ for extra large eggs..This has always given me a profit.. Free range, but not organic. Though I use no chemicals or pesticides on my place.
  4. L

    Comment by 'Lilbitsnpieces' in article 'Understanding Your Rooster.'

    Very well written and informative. I only have a small acreage and keep five flocks. Each has its own rooster. Two roosters co exist in the same area. Now I know that the junior rooster was "allowed" to house here with his hens. I have learned a lot over the years but today I learned more. More...
  5. L

    How much bedding do you need?

    Im in Nebraska, Sand bedding is too damp ALL THE TIME. ESP. in winter. All my coops are 8x6 or bigger and they free range the acreage. I use Deep litter..most of my coops are rock, then hardware cloth, then 6-12 inches of dirt. I lay pine needles, covered with dry leaves. As that break down, I...
  6. L

    Newbie from SoCal

    Hello and Welcome from Nebraska! Sure you will find others soon! This is such a wonderful & informative site..
  7. L

    Choosing breeds to add to my 5 Barred Rocks

    Hello. I'm late to this feed. I purchase from McMurray Hatchery in Iowa. Always get what I order. Plus a mystery chick. Can mix and match. They area family hatchery. They also will vaccinate. I have 5 flocks. The Roos are what you want in a home flock..esp when free ranging. Very protective yet...
  8. L

    Nutritional Yeast vs Brewer's Yeast

    I'm late to the party ..but I have raised ducks for years..I feed Purina Flock raiser and give oyster shell freely. No issues ever. If hatchlings are born in colder weather or extreme heat I might sprinkle crushed niacin ( bought from any pharmacy) over feed. But this is rare. My ducks free...
  9. L

    Can’t afford rising feed prices

    I live in snowland Nebraska..this year -15 temps..and cold winds..I also believe you are perhaps overfeeding or may have others "indulging" in your feed..maybe rodents birds ect. Check that feed is secure. Are you offering grit in right amounts? Will eat more if not able to properly digest...
  10. L

    Review by 'Lilbitsnpieces' in article 'The 9 Comb Types'

    I really didn't realize there were so MANY!.. very informative and great pictures!
  11. L

    First winter storm & lessons learned

    I wear an n95mask when temps are below freezing..breathe in through nose..out through mouth..a paper mask doesn't get wet and crystalize like a cloth scarf or mask will..keeps that cold out of your lungs as well as any moist spores from the coop..-15 here and -40+ windchills(Nebraska)
  12. L

    Is fermenting pellets really beneficial?

    Come Summer...If you are concerned about their ability to find could place a few boards on the ground..insects will collect under them...then call the girls and flip them over. Smorgusboard! Since I have so many sometimes I place a small pallet on ground..I find them easier to...
  13. L

    Is 20% protein too much for pullets and laying hens?

    I'm also a Purina Flock Raiser fan..I have five flocks with roos and I raise ducks...Purina is quite high here 27+ dollars a 50# bag but it has 60ppm niacin required for ducks..and it is a higher protein..the crumbles are easy for chicks and ducklings to hatch to maturity..same...
  14. L

    Mare's Illegal Cute-ness (Call Duck) Chat Thread!! main breeding pair is very accepting ..she will raise or hatch anything..the male must be separated..but only for 8 weeks as they are full grown at that point...they all converse and esp. if I'm late with evening feed!
  15. L

    Mare's Illegal Cute-ness (Call Duck) Chat Thread!!

    So cute! I have never had flocks are mostly Buffs...
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