Recent content by Lil Chickie Mama

  1. Lil Chickie Mama

    First survivors :(

    I finally got the courage to breed my Californian doe (1 year old) and watched a bunch of bunny p*rn as my dh called it, otherwise known as informational youtube videos. I introduced her to the buck, they had a couple successful dates before I removed her about 10 minutes later. Then about 8...
  2. Lil Chickie Mama

    Chickens eating rabbit poop

    I just bought meat rabbits 2 weeks ago and the shed I built for them is open to the chicken run. The cages are hanging and the poop falls to the ground or onto the board hanging in between the top tier and bottom tier of cages. I was amazed at just how much output there was! I have 6 adults...
  3. Lil Chickie Mamas Page

    Lil Chickie Mamas Page

    I live in sunny California and am married to a guy I have dated since I was 14! After 8 years we were finally married and I couldn't be happier. We have a little Bella dog who is our child. She is my Buff PUPington! I currently have one Lavender Ameraucana rooster and one LA chicken, also...
  4. Lil Chickie Mama

    temps affecting sex of chicks???

    Quote: Well THERE's your problem! Every hatcher will tell you that you end up with more of what you DON'T want. Sheesh. Everyone knows that! Or at least it seems that way. I asked this same question a few months ago because I was thinking about the way reptiles are too. Actually your...
  5. Lil Chickie Mama


    I don't know about your cat, and I'm sorry that happened, but I doubt it's related to the holes. There are many more pests in the world than any of us really want to know about. We have a bunch of big holes like that everywhere but we don't live anywhere that snow hits the ground. Here the...
  6. Lil Chickie Mama

    What is your favorite hatchery?

    Sorry, off topic, but relates to my earlier post...Chicken math right? I JUST finished the previous post and then called the local feed store to ask about turkey poults. DH is going to kill me. Anyway, I get chicks local if I can and if it's what I'm looking for, but when I want diversity...
  7. Lil Chickie Mama

    What is your favorite hatchery?

    I did my first online mail-order and received the chicks about a month ago. I ordered from Welp and I really liked them. They had a great selection and good pricing. They arrived on the scheduled day with my number clearly visible for the post office to call me at 5:45 AM. There were 2 dead...
  8. Lil Chickie Mama

    Sunburned chicks? Uh-oh!

    I checked on them this morning and the redness is down on most of them and they are still eating and drinking well.
  9. Lil Chickie Mama

    Sunburned chicks? Uh-oh!

    Well I do have one naked neck but she isn't as red as the others. They probably huddled up (how they like to stay when not eating or drinking or flying) so some chicks aren't red at all, some like the NN are a little red, and some have little red combs. At first I thought picking, but there...
  10. Lil Chickie Mama

    Sunburned chicks? Uh-oh!

    So I thought I'd be a nice chicken-mama and bring the hutch full of chickies outside (they've been in the garage the whole month) since it was nice outside and they can see what real light and breeze and what not are. I cleaned out the hutch, put fresh hay in, cleaned the waterer and refilled...
  11. Lil Chickie Mama

    raising a turkey with chickens

    Okay I only know what I've read so far, but here goes... Turkeys require a different feed. Turkeys will grow faster and start running over the chickens (even if they aren't trying to be mean, they're just big). You can butcher them anytime you like, sooner for a smaller fryer, later for a...
  12. Lil Chickie Mama

    My New Brooder: Where to put lamps?

    Yep, the hutch will be in a 3 sided shed with a roof. I work at home so I can check on them a LOT, but just in case I'll go get 100 wt bulbs to have on hand. I'll be careful to watch the water among other things. Thanks for all the advice!!! Hey, I'm all for using cardboard, a kiddie pool...
  13. Lil Chickie Mama

    My New Brooder: Where to put lamps?

    What are you doing to me?! I just ordered 31 chicks and will also be adding ducks and a few turkeys later. Not to mention the goats that will be here in 2 months thanks to yet another BYC'er Actually I really like frizzles or sizzles but I think before I get that kind I want to set up a...
  14. Lil Chickie Mama

    My New Brooder: Where to put lamps?

    I will, I have a thermometer, I just meant that I'll do a trial run with the thermometer before I start cutting holes to make it permanent. That way I know if I'm making 1 or 2 holes. Thanks for the advice though.
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