Recent content by LibertyRoo

  1. LibertyRoo

    What killed my birds? Predator identification please.

    So I’ve had predators in the past attack my birds, foxes and coyotes a few times, hawks, and opossums. I believe I once had a monk kill a few birds over night as well. This one I found this morning was a little off for me. I’m leaning towards a mink or a raccoon but I am not positive on either...
  2. LibertyRoo

    Sickly five week old chicks, any suggestions please?

    I have a five week old chicks that have had their heads shrugged into their shoulders. I lost one yesterday and the rest are dropping weight and barely eating. I've been treating the water with sulfadimethoxine 1/2 a teaspoon ( powder ) into a gallon of water. Here's the thing I have a separate...
  3. LibertyRoo

    Dominique Thread!

    A few of our Doms.
  4. LibertyRoo

    White faced black Spanish enthusiasts, come hither!

    I just acquired two pairs from Mike Miller. Had two other hens from Suzette Wellington at Old-Dominion Dominiques. Excited about breeding these two lines. Here's a picture I took yesterday.
  5. LibertyRoo


    I live in the Homstead/ Redland area, was just wondering how many folks on here are from the area. Also with all the poultry owners in this area its funny how no one has ever started up a poultry club. Does this sound like something that fellow homesteaders would be interested in? Also how can...
  6. LibertyRoo


    Here is TJ and some of the hens.
  7. LibertyRoo

    Dominique Thread!

    This is TJ and some of the hens.
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