Recent content by LIAlleyCat

  1. LIAlleyCat

    Ended Official BYC Mini Contest - What is Your Hobby?

    I enjoy hiking, especially to hidden ponds and enjoying the solitude of nature.
  2. LIAlleyCat

    Ended Official BYC Mini Contest - Show Us Your Flock

    Caroline (leghorn) escaped persecution from her original flock by hiding out in my co-workers yard. I had just lost one of my girls, leaving Louise all alone. Caroline's original owners didn't want her back, my co-worker had no means to keep a chicken, so I added Caroline to again have a...
  3. LIAlleyCat

    Crop appeared swollen last week with general weakness, seems smaller now, but not flat, not eating m

    About 2 years ago when we had an issue. No one else appears sick and they don't free range like they used to due to a red tailed hawk taking up residence in the neighborhood. I called and found a vet about an hour away, will take time off work and bring her in tomorrow morning.
  4. LIAlleyCat

    Worming chickens - do I really need to throw out eggs?

    I've heard during the deworming process, that worms could end up in the eggs themselves. I threw out eggs for the 10 days or so, then just checked and ate them myself after that. Waited the entire period before giving away any eggs to friends. No worms in any of the eggs after 10 days and I'm...
  5. LIAlleyCat

    Crop appeared swollen last week with general weakness, seems smaller now, but not flat, not eating m

    I have a approximately 3 year old hen. Went away overnight last weekend, pet sitter was just letting the chickens out in the mornings and locking them in at night. Get home about 3pm, notice the chicken in the coop while the others are running about in the pen - not normal. She appeared to...
  6. LIAlleyCat

    Brookhaven Town, Suffolk County, New York

    <Brookhaven Town, Suffolk County, New York> Chicken Ordinance Are Chickens Allowed in this location Yes Max Chickens Allowed 6 Roosters Allowed No Permit Required Not for chickens, but coop may fall into accessory structure rules depending on size. Coop Restrictions...
  7. LIAlleyCat

    Official BYC Poll: How Many Chickens Do You Have + How Many Chickens On BYC?

    I have 5 Plymouth Barred Rocks - my first flock. Total going from post 363's total of 7236 + 13 for post 364 + 57 for 365 and 40 for 366 = 7346 Therefore if I use 7346, my 5 make the total 7351
  8. LIAlleyCat

    How much to dose? Wazine 17 for worms

    Thanks all. I'll downsize the dosage for my waterer, which I think is a 1.5 gallon, but I'll check it to be sure and do a 1 gallon mix.
  9. LIAlleyCat

    How much to dose? Wazine 17 for worms

    I'd recently noticed one of my ladies (plymouth barred rocks) acting very stand-off'ish from the group and and generally looking depressed. Didn't seem to be egg bound, so I thought maybe she hurt herself jumping around they way they do after a bug or something. She does seem to eat a bit, but...
  10. LIAlleyCat

    Bully Hen - rehab or cull?

    Thanks for the reply. That's what I was thinking, that she'll stay a plucker in my small flock. Will try to rehome her - perhaps with someone who free ranges their birds. I can't free range, we have small lots and my neighbor feeds over 20 feral cats! Between that and the hawks in the area...
  11. LIAlleyCat

    Bully Hen - rehab or cull?

    I have 6 Barred Rocks that I got at Easter when the were about 4 weeks old. A few weeks ago, I noticed one hen had attacked 3 others, leaving bleeding areas just above their tails. I moved the Bully to another cage I had, sprayed the injured birds with blue cote daily until the feathers...
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