Recent content by leslielbk

  1. leslielbk

    Indian runner duck tries to fly??

    I'm trying to find a forum that talks about combining chickens with ducks and whether I have to build a separate duck house or not. I'm planning on getting just a few Indian runner ducks once I find a breeder because apparently the hatcheries won't send just a few. Do you have any pointers for...
  2. leslielbk

    Indian Runner Hens

    I'm so jealous! And I see you have them in the kitchen... How adorable is that?? I'm trying desperately to locate the Pencil variety but so far no luck. Have your girls started to lay yet? I'm here in Florida I'm trying to get a picture on how this might go. I have a flock of 10 chickens and a...
  3. leslielbk

    Indian Runner Ducks - full grown dying unexpectedly

    I'm wondering if you have an update on the cause of death? I'm doing a bit of research on Indian runner ducks because I'm thinking of adding just a couple to my flock of chickens. I'm a little lost on whether I need to build a duck house or can they sleep in the giant coop I have? I'm sure...
  4. leslielbk

    Newbie getting ready for winter - Insulating? Closing down Windows?

    This is a great article
  5. leslielbk


    I'm glad my neighbors can't see me crawling around on my hands and knees looking for the tiniest holes🤣. While I try hard to keep it from looking like it was done by Jed Clampett unfortunately I've missed the mark. I had good intentions in the beginning and it looked really cute and then...
  6. leslielbk


    I have a few black snakes too and I'm glad because they keep the rats down. That's a constant battle. Between me, the Jack Russell, the hawks, the owls and the snakes we do a pretty good job. Since I had to crawl around every square inch of the coop looking for "leaks" and close them off, I used...
  7. leslielbk

    Going out to feed/maintain/..slip on shoe recommendations?

    I had to figure that out too. I keep a pair of rubber boots by both the back door and front door. I also have a pair of black rubber clogs that are super easy to slip into. It didn't take very long for me to get in the habit and quit running outside in my sandals 😤 and then having to wipe down...
  8. leslielbk

    Comment by 'leslielbk' in article 'Bee's key points to successful and safe free ranging.'

    This article was just posted in the BYC newsletter today, but it is from 2015 so if no one gets a response from Bee directly that might be why. What I found interesting is her mention of the birds feather pattern and color when studying her losses. Mine have been grays and blacks. I keep a lot...
  9. leslielbk

    I need to kill my roo and i cant do it

    I agree and you're hilarious, but some of us just got the email from backyard chickens with people's questions. That's why we're responding so late. It's more on the website than on us, I swear!
  10. leslielbk

    Comment by 'leslielbk' in article 'Using Sand In Your Chicken Coop'

    Agreed. I've been using it for years to keep the coop free of mites and any other bug that might be lurking in the litter. I know it looks benign and like powder, but to soft exoskeletons it's lethal. It is much less effective when wet because it loses its razor-like sharp edges; it softens. I...
  11. leslielbk

    I need to kill my roo and i cant do it

    I had a nasty rooster too and I placed an ad on craigslist with some nice photos asking $20. Believe it or not, I sold him in 2 days. I told the buyer he needed to come at night where I could easily snag the rooster off the roosting pole. My girls were so happy! They calmed down immediately. And...
  12. leslielbk

    Free range unattended?

    Oh HELL no. Not unless you're ok with the risk, which is coming home to dead chickens. Just because you don't see predators doesn't mean they aren't there, and loose chickens are like ringing a dinner bell. They are extremely vulnerable and need to be protected.
  13. leslielbk

    Strange!!! Did my rooster lay this egg?

    I'll have to look! He's got a large comb, thick legs and is much larger than the other 2 Delaware hens. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed him until I got rid of the Black Giant rooster who was so dominant all my focus was on him.
  14. leslielbk

    Strange!!! Did my rooster lay this egg?

    I had a rooster that I got tired of because he was attacking me and scaring the girls. He just wasn't a nice rooster. So he's gone, and then I see one of my delawares humping another hen. What??!? He never crowed but once I really looked at him he's got a nice big rooster comb, and big thick...
  15. leslielbk

    Chicken Buyers Remorse

    Delaware. Loud and bullies.
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