Recent content by lemurchaser

  1. lemurchaser

    Are my 3 1/2 week Quails Male or Female?

    1, 2 both likely boys #3 girl #4 cant tell, but suspect a boy #5-#9 all girls #10 boy
  2. lemurchaser

    concrete in run?

    I had my run on concrete before I moved, and it was the best for predator control. Since it was a covered run, I just put straw down. It would get wet and dissolve, so I'd add a little more on top. Once every 6 months I would shovel it all out and use the straw for compost.
  3. lemurchaser

    Quail are dying one by one each day

    That feed that you photographed is a chick starter with 18% protein. Quail chicks need a game bird starter with much higher protein. I would fix the drafts and change to a higher protein food.
  4. lemurchaser

    Customer had a 0 hatch rate, what should I do???

    This really depends for me. As a buyer, if I get eggs that are well packaged, most develop, but none hatch, then I wouldn't even mention it to the seller. But I've gotten eggs that arrived poorly packed, with detached air cells, where only a couple develop, and then I think the seller has some...
  5. lemurchaser

    How do you mark chickens

    I use different colored zip ties. I get the color variety pack (4 colors) and can mark them by pink on right leg, pink on left leg etc. That gives me 8 variations. If I need more then I use 2 zip ties, so pink on right leg & blue on left leg, or pink and blue on right leg etc. That gives me...
  6. lemurchaser

    How many eggs can I feed my dogs?

    Raw eggs fed daily can lead to a biotin deficiency. You might see skin conditions, dry hair, less shiny coat etc. I feed raw eggs up to a few times a week, if I'm going to feed more than that, then I cook the eggs for them.
  7. lemurchaser

    Questions about feeding dogs a raw diet

    Organ meat can be hard to find at grocery stores, so make sure you are giving a balanced diet. Muscle meat does not have enough nutrients, you have to feed the right amount of organ meat and bones. I would add a supplement, especially if you are just feeding meat. Dogs are not obligate...
  8. lemurchaser

    I Am Devastated- Update pg. 2

    It could be hepatic lipidosis, this can happen quickly in cats that don't eat and can be life threatening. The key is getting food into her. And close to the same amount she'd normally eat. You have to stop her breaking down fat.
  9. lemurchaser

    Most of the cats are back out to the barn...

    Good for you getting them all fixed, I can't imagine having that many cats in one room, yikes!
  10. lemurchaser

    Need Info On Pup/Dog Vaccines...

    I titer my dogs, they definitely are NOT good for life!! My one dog lost her immunity to parvo at 5-6 years old (she had last been vaccinated for parvo at 1 year of age.). I boostered both parvo and distemper at that time and she's now eight, so due for titers again soon. Every dog is...
  11. lemurchaser

    New photos!! Adorable!

    Rats are so much fun. I fostered a mom and 11 babies for a local shelter. She came in with newborn pinkies. I got them all raised and just was separating the babies, and mom had another 13 pups! They get pregnant fast apparently. Anyway, got all 25 rats good homes so it worked out fine. 6...
  12. lemurchaser

    Canine Epileptoid Cramping DIsorder?

    You should see a veterinarian. It is recommended that other causes of the same symptoms be ruled out, and since liver disease goes with this disorder you should have routine blood work and liver function tests done.
  13. lemurchaser

    So we're back to considering goats... Nigerians or Kinders?

    There is a nigerian dwarf dairy near me. I know they consider the girls retired when they won't breed back. Usually 9-13 years old. They get 2-3 quarts at peak lactation, but more like 1-2 quarts for most of the lactation period. With 2 does you'd have to breed one every 6 months to keep one...
  14. lemurchaser

    Stupid CAT!!!

    Many times we miss the signs of arthritis in cats until they start having accidents. If it hurts to step into a litterbox or go down the basement stairs to potty, then they find another spot. I would get her checked by a vet or at least add a litterbox close-by if there isn't one.
  15. lemurchaser

    Really tough but soft dog toys? Tuffies pet toys. They are remarkably durable. Pit bull tested and approved. I will say though that they are so durable that my dogs don't get the same de-stuffing glee from them. I have the ring and sting ray and...
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