Recent content by LemonyCatapult

  1. LemonyCatapult

    How to Deworm in Canada

    Hello! I’ve never dewormed my flocked, so I’m looking for my best options since I live in Canada and I know a lot of chicken medications are not available without a veterinary prescription. Wondering if any fellow Canadians know of a product I can get here in Canada without seeing a vet. Thanks!
  2. LemonyCatapult

    Silkie can’t stand up properly

    Yolko crossed the rainbow bridge this morning wrapped up in a blanket in my arms 🖤 her best friend and inseparable mate, Souvlaki, our Silkie rooster, died 6 months ago so now I’m sure they’re up in chicken heaven together 🖤🖤
  3. LemonyCatapult

    Silkie can’t stand up properly

    Thanks so much for your help
  4. LemonyCatapult

    Silkie can’t stand up properly

    That sounds a lot like what happened here. Their feed is just a very general layer pellet, nothing to pick around. It’s the only chicken feed besides starter and grower that my small local feed store sells so I expected it to be sufficient. They eat tons of fruits and veggies everyday so I...
  5. LemonyCatapult

    Silkie can’t stand up properly

    I don’t believe it was frostbite, her feet and legs have been warm to the touch every time I’ve checked on her and it’s only been around 0 degrees Celsius the last few weeks where I am, no snow or ice to stand in. When my other hen lost her feet, it was -30 degrees and she was standing in the...
  6. LemonyCatapult

    Silkie can’t stand up properly

    Thanks so much, I have other silkies so I will definitely do my research on that.
  7. LemonyCatapult

    Silkie can’t stand up properly

    UPDATE unfortunately I’m saying goodbye to my sweet girl today. When I checked on her before bed last night, both her legs were paralyzed and curled up and she was shaking. Today she is almost lifeless and gasping for air. The others had pecked at her face, obviously wondering what was wrong...
  8. LemonyCatapult

    Silkie can’t stand up properly

    SMALL UPDATE I made her a little pancake and she was very eager when I went in to give it to her, no improvement with her mobility but she did hop out of the nesting box for the treat. She isn’t lethargic at all, it’s seeming like it’s just an injured leg 🤞
  9. LemonyCatapult

    Silkie can’t stand up properly

    I don’t think so, I have a hen who lost both her feet to frostbite last year (she is amazingly happy and healthy and footless now) and Yolko doesn’t seem to be experiencing anything similar to what my other hen did. That was one of my first thoughts as well when I first saw her though
  10. LemonyCatapult

    Silkie can’t stand up properly

    Just checked her vent, hopefully I did it right, but I only found poop in there, no sign of an egg
  11. LemonyCatapult

    Silkie can’t stand up properly

    She has never been broody, I don’t supplement their light so there have been very few eggs the last couple months in general, although it has been an especially long time since she layed at all, maybe 1-2 weeks ago. They eat a normal layer crumb, and they have always free ranged and got all...
  12. LemonyCatapult

    Silkie can’t stand up properly

    She is walking on one leg fine, it seems completely normal, but the right one is limp. She is somewhat able to drag herself around
  13. LemonyCatapult

    Silkie can’t stand up properly

    I thought egg binding might be possible but I wasn’t sure, I’ll check her vent right now
  14. LemonyCatapult

    Silkie can’t stand up properly

    I’m praying it’s just a leg injury :(
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