Recent content by LegHorn-BusHorn

  1. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Leghorn Bushorns Page

    Ida at 2 weeks old. We believed it was a pullet when we brought it home. Mr Ida at 6 weeks old. We now know that "she" is a "he" - a rooster! Mr Ida at 10 weeks old, in full command of his hens.
  2. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Question about homemade soap?

    The soap is great and works good for me. I passed it on to several people and they like it. A friend of mine thinks she is allergic to the felsnaptha. Is there a substitution she can use?
  3. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Roosters tearing feathers from hens. What can i do?

    I can't help you, but I think my rooster did the same same thing to one of my hens. I got so upset and it was below zero I brought her inside. Good news is the feathers are growing back. I hope you can get a better answer!
  4. LegHorn-BusHorn

    I can't control my rooster and he is drawing blood

    I did give him a couple of kicks, but I don't want to hurt him. So no one thinks I should just let him out and free range and let nature take its cource? I can not just out right kill him or any animal, just not me.
  5. LegHorn-BusHorn

    I can't control my rooster and he is drawing blood

    Quote: I do and and I will but he just kept coming on me. It is kinda a small pen but I don't think he should do this. I have never shown any kinda fear for him and I will kick him but I fear of hurting him and the others. My chickens are precious to me including him.
  6. LegHorn-BusHorn

    I can't control my rooster and he is drawing blood

    I love my mr. ida and he is great, but when I went down to close the pen, he like attacked me three times and more, and drew blood. He is a beautiful rooster but I am thinking about letting him free range, because he is mean to me. I have done nothing but be nice to him, but he has allways been...
  7. LegHorn-BusHorn


    I have a barred rock that has lost all her feathers in tne neck area too. I wouldn't think they would moult this time of year, I was thinking that %$#@ rooster is doing it to her but all the others are fine. I hope we can get an answer soon.
  8. LegHorn-BusHorn

    I think one of my chickens has frostbite on a toe?

    Should I bring her in and then, if I do how soon can I put her back out?
  9. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Is 5 am to early to let out of coop?

    Now, I know it sounds silly, but with the temps in the single digets all week, I just need affirmation that they will be fine. I have to go back to work tomorrow. I guess I'll I will have to hope the eggs won't freeze because I won't be home until 4:30 pm.
  10. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Could it get any worse?

    Quote: Doing Ok, just going to try to keep busy. Thanks all for the support.
  11. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Could it get any worse?

    Thanks for all the support guys! I need it now! A couple of my girlfriends came over tonight and did support. I have a good support system Thank God! I did not respond to his text (because I don't have to) He is the one that needs me. I feel a little bad about that. DAMIT! I still do love him.
  12. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Could it get any worse?

    Quote: Yes, that what I am trying to do. TY very much. It is just a bad time to do this crap and then the text! Doesn't make alot of sense to me, if you leave, you leave and then don't back pedal.
  13. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Could it get any worse?

    Yes, I know what you mean. And guess what? I just got a text from him "I Love You" and here I am alone.
  14. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Could it get any worse?

    taking deep breaths..don't know if the Christmas music is helping or hurting
  15. LegHorn-BusHorn

    Could it get any worse?

    My husband left me...just found out my 24 year old went to jail...fault of his own. I am in tears right now and I can't imagine it getting any worse. There are no words to describe the pain. Not a good time. I know you all need details but I can't bring myself to it right now. On the...
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