Recent content by LeeAnn Toler

  1. LeeAnn Toler

    Comment by 'LeeAnn Toler' in article 'Raccoon - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Coons'

    I was wondering if that works because we have raccoons bad here in WV and they have killed a bunch of my chickens.
  2. LeeAnn Toler

    Comment by 'LeeAnn Toler' in article 'Raccoon - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Coons'

    Yes I keep loosing chickens too because of raccoons and I was wondering if that light works too
  3. LeeAnn Toler

    Comment by 'LeeAnn Toler' in article 'Raccoon - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Coons'

    I have a raccoon problem and I was wanting to know if the Guard Night light works. I have 5 chickens now and they run free in the yard but when the chickens are out in the yard, the raccoon goes in there house and eats the food. The raccoon tries to get in there house at night but I think the...
  4. LeeAnn Toler

    Rooster is sleeping in the dog house

    I have a dog house in my chicken coop and about week ago my oldest rooster started sleeping in it. I thought he was cold at first because he has no tail (an injury) and he was trying to stay warm, well, I sold 5 of my hens and the day I sold them, he got on his roosting pole so I started to...
  5. LeeAnn Toler

    4 young roosters and older rooster

    Okay guys, I found out that I have 4 young roosters. I already have a older rooster well I don't know what to do with 5 roosters, is this going to be a handful? I can tell that my hens are getting frustrated with all the roosters. My older rooster is going at the young roosters and since I have...
  6. LeeAnn Toler


    Does anyone know what kind of chickens that I do have?
  7. LeeAnn Toler


    I want to remind you all that these chickens were dropped off right above my house back in August and I didn't have much time or money to build a coop before winter got here.
  8. LeeAnn Toler


    Yes they have shelter but not like a coop. It's been so cold here, I've put garbage bags around it and put blankets up inside there house to keep the wind off of them but it's supposed to stay warm all week. My chickens are loving this weather.
  9. LeeAnn Toler


    It seems like his hormones are raging right now. :lol: My hens are getting very frustrated with him. He seems to be getting on the older hens, not the young ones. Now my oldest rooster is getting frustrated too. He just went after him and the hen did too. I call her momma because she seems to...
  10. LeeAnn Toler


    I have 13 chickens. I really don't have a coop, it's fenced in. I think it's 12x12. I let them out of the morning and they go back in there house to roost at night. He is getting on the older hens. I have 4 older hens. The young rooster looks like he's grabbing there neck to hard. He just jumped...
  11. LeeAnn Toler


    I just found out today that I have young rooster. I have 8 baby chickens, well there not babies anymore there about 6 months old but I still call them my babies. Anyways, I couldn't tell if any of them was roosters until today. I saw him jumping on my hens and he did not want to stop. He was...
  12. LeeAnn Toler

    Heated Roosting Pole

    I know everyone is saying that chickens can survive very cold weather but I'm sorry, my chickens are acting very depressed and I can see them shivering. They don't want to scratch the ground either. That might be because of the snow but everyone tells me that chickens love's snow. Not mine! I...
  13. LeeAnn Toler

    Heated Roosting Pole

    Yes mine loves it. I need to get another one because I have 13 chickens and there fighting over it. I got the 36" long.
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