Recent content by Lee2017

  1. L

    Duck attacking my little dogs.

    He is a house duck. I know they aren't supposed to be housed but mine where. Him And my mallard. They go out in morning and cone in at night. Or they will knock when they wanted in. My ducks have always been with my little dogs. I have 2 little one. My mallard and older dog would play...
  2. L

    Duck attacking my little dogs.

    I don't want to find him a new home. Maybe if he was smaller and we wasn't attached to him. I wasn't sure if this behavior was because it's was close to matting time, was this the behavior of a runner. I've never had runners it's always been mallards. Or if it was because of him being...
  3. L

    Duck attacking my little dogs.

    About a month ago my ducks one a mallard we have had him for about 5 years. Then I also have a Sweden runner we have had him this will be the 3rd summer. We have always had my dogs. But about a month ago a stray dog come into the yard and tortured our ducks he chased them for about 3 hrs. My...
  4. L

    Laying duck eggs

    She is lay at night. So how long are these eggs good for. Do I put them in fridge I haven’t a clue yet
  5. L

    Laying duck eggs

    Okay this is gonna sound crazy but what am I supposed do with them. so let me see if I understand this. If she she isn’t sitting on them right now then she isn’t gonna too. I thought maybe she does this for 3 weeks and then sat till babyducks. hatches. Once again this is all new.
  6. L

    Laying duck eggs

    I’m sure glad you guys are here. Lol My female duck is laying eggs She has been laying them for about 3 weeks. There is about 10 eggs. I have a couple of questions. 1. How long will she keep laying these eggs 2. When does she sit on them 3. She has a nest outside but she comes in to...
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    My male is a door greater

    Thank you guys so much. I have started doing it and it makes me feel bad but I understand why. I wonder if it could be because she has laid an egg in their bed Do I do anything with this egg. She isn’t sitting on it and I have just seen it. I was pretty excited there was an egg
  8. L

    My male is a door greater

    This is my 1st set of ducks. Not really sure how they are supposed to act. I do know they are spoiled more than a set of ducks should be. Lol. But that’s what makes it so much fun. I would say they are pretty tame. She will eat out of my ya f but he just waits for her to dropped some and he...
  9. L

    My male is a door greater

    No I just have them two mallards. He has never done this. He has just started doing this for the past couple of months. I have a cat and dog but I’ve always had them. They usually go after my little dog which they always have. He is smaller than them. I can pick them up hold them. They stay...
  10. L

    My male is a door greater

    I have 2 mallards. They aren’t quite a year old yet my male is becoming not sure what to call him. He will be in the pond. I can come out the door and go to my car and before I go back in he is out of the pond and u can hear him charging towards me. I can say his name and he will slow down...
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