Recent content by Laz

  1. L

    Is it avian pox on my turkey?

    Seen this on my hen turkey. I believe it’s fowl pox but wanted y’all’s opinion too.
  2. L

    Gnats and vanilla mixture

    Just went to the store and picked up some small face cleaning pads, stick pens and vanilla extract. I’m thrifty and like to stretch a dollar so I’ll see how well this works. I soaked the pads in the vanilla and stuck it to the wall inside the coop to keep the blood thirsty gnats away.
  3. L

    foamy yellow droppings

    I read a lot of post and I’m still lost. My turkey has yellow foamy poop and some post say it could be chronic respiratory disease and then others say it could be coccidia. I have no clue so here’s a picture of it. What do y’all think?
  4. L

    Introducing turkey back to the flock

    I have five turkeys. One of them was sick, so I separated him. It’s feeling much better now, but when I tried to put him back in to the pen with the other turkeys, they all attacked him. What’s the best way to re-introduce him to the flock?
  5. L

    Turkey hen

    Hello, one of my hens red part on her neck is turning colors. Is this normal because she is getting older. She also has reddish colored legs were the other hen has pale grey. Here is a picture of the older hen. Just not sure if there is something wrong with her health.
  6. L

    New from SC

    We live in a nice little town called Harleyville. Our road signs keep getting stole because of the name. Motorcycle folks!
  7. L

    New from SC

    Hello, excited to find this site. Never raised poultry before and I’m sure I’ll have a lot of questions in no time. Been reading through some of the threads already and learning as I go. Thank you
  8. L

    Sick poult

    Hello, this is the first time I’ve tried to raise turkeys and I have one young turkey that is not doing well. It sleeps a lot and won’t hardly eat anything but has been drinking some water. I’ve been reading the threads for turkey problems but none fit this one. Since I’m not sure why is wrong...
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