Recent content by Lavender6

  1. Lavender6


    Is it just an infection and not a disease? And I didn't smell anything. I found some mold in the bottom of her cage. It molded really fast. Actually 3 days or I have tried to squeeze the infection out. It won't come. I am afraid I will squeeze her eyeball out. What can i do?
  2. Lavender6


    HEY Everyone, Hope ya'll are having a happy day! I have a problem with my little polish girl, Phyllis, (her boyfriend is Diller.) All my chickens, 22, had to be cooped up together because of subzero temperatures for 3 days. I was CRAZY taking care of them in a small room. I guess I...
  3. Lavender6

    Where are all the musicians at?

    My dear husband played lead guitar and supported us for 18 years. He passed away Aug 06 2022. He opened for some major acts. I miss him terrible. Please don't feel sorry for me, we had 18 wonderful years, a yard full of dogs, cats and chickens. He gave me wonderful years and a beautiful home...
  4. Lavender6


  5. Lavender6


  6. Lavender6


  7. Lavender6


  8. Lavender6


    Hi All, My 2 year old Barred rock has been in the corner of the run not wanting too move she was wheezing a little so I gave her an injection of Tylan 50. I decided to powder her for mites, and put coconut oil on her feet because she has a mild case of scaly leg might. Now I just use it for...
  9. Lavender6


    I hope mine does. He was beautiful
  10. Lavender6


    I am spraying Vetericyn plus on it 3x a day but no touching
  11. Lavender6


    Thank you. You have come to my aid more than once! I will follow your advice.
  12. Lavender6


    My Coop is 7x7x7 about 4 ft long and 2 ft wide on the top opposite sides. I hold a lighter at the bottom and there is zero flickering of a lighter.. surely it doesn't need more than that. ??
  13. Lavender6


    My rooster Merle has frostbite 🥶. My coop was covered all over with a canvas tent, no draft and adequate ventilation. I put vaseline ( people said do it, then AFTERWARDS many said not too) on his comb and wattles but is was -33 wind chill. He has severe frostbite which has now blistered. I...
  14. Lavender6

    Cockerel or pullet

    About 3 months. I just got them last night
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