Recent content by lauren3321

  1. lauren3321

    Why did my duck "Hee Haw"?

    I have a young mallard drake. He lives with my chickens. This morning I heard him hee haw, like a donkey but I wasn't sure that I really actually heard it so I just went on my routine. But then I saw him arch his neck and do it again. Has anyone ever heard of this? He is a quirky little duck but...
  2. lauren3321

    What's wrong with my chicken?!

    Thanks. I really appreciate the help. I will try checking for egg binding again.
  3. lauren3321

    What's wrong with my chicken?!

    I don't think it is swollen. She seems very thin. Her vent area is swollen but there isn't an egg in there as far as I can tell. I am afraid she is fading pretty fast. I'm going to go to the feed store and get some antibiotics and just keep her warm. I will get some stuff for mites too.
  4. lauren3321

    What's wrong with my chicken?!

    No, I have never wormed her or sprayed her for mites. Should I?
  5. lauren3321

    What's wrong with my chicken?!

    not really. she pooped yesterday afternoon but nothing since then. I went ahead and got latex gloves and olive oil and tried to see if I could feel the egg but there isn't any thing in there as far as I can tell. She isn't any better this morning, still panting and very weak. Anyone have a...
  6. lauren3321

    What's wrong with my chicken?!

    My buff orphington has been acting ill since this morning. She is panting constantly, limping very badly and just wants to stand in one spot. She isn't drinking as far as I can tell but did eat some yogurt and oats earlier. I thought it might be egg binding so I steamed up the bathroom but was...
  7. lauren3321

    Is there any cure/ remedy for Duck Hepatitis?!?!

    Update: The last duckling survived and is doing wonderfully! I just kept her warm and with plenty of vitamin water and prayed a lot and he/she is doing great!
  8. lauren3321

    Is there any cure/ remedy for Duck Hepatitis?!?!

    Out of 10 ducklings there is only one still alive. All the symptoms fit duck hepatitis. One minute they are fine and then the next they are lethargic then twitching/ seizing and dying. It is awful! Is there any way to help the last duckling? It is breaking my heart thinking that she is doomed...
  9. lauren3321

    Need Wild Turkey Advice!!!!

    wyoming. i am skeptical that any official would do anything short of euthanizing it here.
  10. lauren3321

    Need Wild Turkey Advice!!!!

    I don't know if I am allowed to keep it or not. The girl that gave it to me, her dad is a vet so I would think he would have said something if I couldn't but I really don't know. Anyone else know?
  11. lauren3321

    Need Wild Turkey Advice!!!!

    A friend gave me a wild turkey egg that she saw a turkey lay and leave (not in a nest or anything). She had been incubating it at 85 degrees on a heating pad and but decided she couldn't keep it. I took it assuming that nothing would probably come of it, as it was already 5 days old and showed...
  12. lauren3321

    Newly hatched chick burning itself in incubator??? HELP

    [We have 2 LG bators and the chicks seem to bump into the elements-no one else has this problem? I just let them go, never saw any singed feathers. ] Yeah. That's what mine is, an LG.
  13. lauren3321

    Newly hatched chick burning itself in incubator??? HELP

    One of my chicks hatched a few hours ago and is stumbling around the incubator. It is bumping its head and face on incubator's heating element. Is this going to burn it, particularly its eyes? It feels very hot to me but certainly incubator manufacturers thought of chicks standing up when the...
  14. lauren3321

    Pipped 8 hours ago, no progress?

    Ok... I won't open the incubator for 24 hours but then what? Still no progress over the night. I can see her just gingerly poking at the white membrane (it already has a hole in it). The humidity is fine I think (70%). When I get home from work today it will have been 24 hours. If still no...
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