Recent content by Lahaina53

  1. Lahaina53

    HELP! new lethargic behavior

    My 2 year old barred rock has always been the curious one. If I'm lifting garden pots or digging soil, she's always the first one there to pick up any bugs or worms hiding underneath. If I'm feeding the flock, she's always the first one to run towards the food. For the last two days, she has not...
  2. Lahaina53

    New behavior seen with my buff orpington

    Today after she had laid her egg, and she takes a looong time to lay, I found a good amount of feathers in the nest box. So is this basically confirming she will be broody soon?? She used to let me pet and hold her and now whenever I get close she'd always puff her feathers out! She is still...
  3. Lahaina53

    New behavior seen with my buff orpington

    Lately whenever I go out to greet my girls, my buff orpington would always puff her neck feathers and fluff her body feathers with a low cluck cluck sound. She does take the longest to lay when she is in the nest box but she always leave the nestbox and go on with the rest of her day. The...
  4. Lahaina53

    Pullet or cockerel?

    Just adopted this EE from a friend of mine. I'm hoping it is a female since I have 5 other hens who are almost a year old. Right now I'm separating her from the pack since she's a lot smaller in size than them. I think it's supposedly 8-10weeks old. Any guess on gender?!
  5. Lahaina53

    Maran stopped laying! What to do?!

    I kept her to one side of the yard for about five days and that is when I started to get worried because she is still not laying. She is at the bottom of the pecking order and gets pecked on from time to time but nothing that draws blood. Today I am keeping her on the other side of the yard with...
  6. Lahaina53

    Maran stopped laying! What to do?!

    I have five wonderful girls! They're all the same age, about 8 months old now. All of them have been laying consistently except for my maran. She started out laying in the nest box, then she would lay in the bush in our yard. I have been searching endlessly in the yard for the past week and have...
  7. Lahaina53

    Is my girl going to lay soon???

    Super anxious!! Im checking the nesting box every day and also checking some of the bushes and trees since they like to hang out there during the day. They are both 19 weeks, almost 20weeks. I know my buff isnt anywhere close to laying yet but my BR captain has been red for a couple of weeks...
  8. Lahaina53

    Pullets or cockerels??

    Thank you for all your responses! Can't wait till they start laying! :)
  9. Lahaina53

    Pullets or cockerels??

    Thank you!!! Im growing attached to them and it would suck to give them away!
  10. Lahaina53

    Pullets or cockerels??

    These are my five girls or so I hope they are all girls!! They are about 12 week old. Any help is much appreciated!
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