Recent content by lafinestra66

  1. lafinestra66

    What should I do about my bully hen?

    I have those on the bully right now, but I'm still seeing some feathers... Is it possible for them to still pull feathers out even with the blinders on? There's always the chance there's another feather puller, too...
  2. lafinestra66

    What should I do about my bully hen?

    I can make the run larger and perhaps buy an additional coop. I may also give some of my pullets to a family friend who raises chickens since I have limited space and can't let the free range all day due to predators.
  3. lafinestra66

    What should I do about my bully hen?

    My birds are around 25-26 weeks old right now. My run is 60 square feet (4 feet wide by 15 feet long). My coop is about 10 square feet (including the nest box space). Due to predators, they do have to be kept in the enclosed run most of the day. I do try to let them out every day for at least...
  4. lafinestra66

    What should I do about my bully hen?

    I can't have a rooster unfortunately because of where I live, otherwise I would definitely add one to the flock for safety and peace. Do you think there is any chance that that they will stop picking on each other once they grow up a little? They are around 25-26 weeks old right now.
  5. lafinestra66

    Coccidia what to expect

    I would definitely consider the corid "drench" dosage if your chick isn't improving. It saved my little chick's life! It sounds like your girl's system is overwhelmed by the cocci. When my chick was sick, it took days for her to bounce back, probably almost a week before she seemed to have...
  6. lafinestra66

    What am I? (BR mixed with--?)

    Local feed store (not TS). The feed store maybe could tell me which hatchery this came from based on when I picked her up? She is a confirmed pullet since she started laying eggs a few weeks ago.
  7. lafinestra66

    What am I? (BR mixed with--?)

    Hello! What are some guesses of the mix of this gal? I know that's a difficult task, but wanted to see what the BYC community thought 😀 She was supposed to be a Barred Rock, but looks like a mix of some kind. I've posted some photos from various growth points; all pics are of the same gal.
  8. lafinestra66

    What am I? (BR mixed with--?)

    Hello! What are some guesses of the mix of this gal? I know that's a difficult task, but wanted to see what the BYC community thought 😀 She was supposed to be a Barred Rock, but looks like a mix of some kind. I've posted some photos from various growth points; all pics are of the same gal.
  9. lafinestra66

    Barred Rock cross...with what?

    I know this thread is old, but wow the OP's pics look so much like my mystery "barred rock" pullet....
  10. lafinestra66

    What should I do about my bully hen?

    Hey, everyone! I have five pullets. They are about 19-20 weeks old. My oldest pullet is pretty large and looks to be some sort of Barred Rock / Leghorn mix. She is the only pullet who has started laying. I noticed last week that one of my Brahma pullets was missing feathers on her back. I...
  11. lafinestra66

    Sight Sexing Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks at Hatch

    Mine ended up being a pullet, as well! She is not a pure Barred Rock, so that led to some confusion with her coloring, size, etc.
  12. lafinestra66

    Barred Rock ~5 weeks old - male or female?

    She turned out to be a pullet if anyone comes across this thread in the future! She's some sort of mix, not a pure Barred Rock.
  13. lafinestra66

    Barred Rock ~5 weeks old - male or female?

    Update photos, if anyone is interested! Still think cockerel? Age update is ~15 weeks?
  14. lafinestra66

    Should I switch to Non Medicated food?

    I would definitely get Corid in case of emergencies. One of my little chicks got sick and she went downhill so fast. I got lucky that Fleet Farm was open and near my house so I could grab it quickly to begin treatment that same day. It saved her life!
  15. lafinestra66

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thank you! I am going to try both of those. If you know anyone, let me know! I can drive to meet them.
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