Recent content by ladylo

  1. ladylo

    starting a chicken flock

    Hello everyone! I had to use one of my old threads I can't seem to find the button to start anew thread. We wound up getting 3 buff orpingtons. They are approximately 9 weeks old. one of them is a roo. Unfortunately my neighbors are in very close proximity. Although the ordinance allows 1...
  2. ladylo

    starting a chicken flock

    Please advise only if you have experience with the COLLAR..TY
  3. ladylo

    starting a chicken flock

    Hello everyone! I had to use one of my old threads I can't seem to find the button to start anew thread. We wound up getting 3 buff orpingtons. They are approximately 9 weeks old. one of them is a roo. Unfortunately my neighbors are in very close proximity. Although the ordinance allows 1...
  4. ladylo

    1 week old chicks

    We have chicks that are a week old and it looks very scary when they sleep....and a few times I panicked when I saw it too LOL I paid close attention about how far or close to the light they like to be... To help me gauge the temperature that's comfortable for them.
  5. ladylo

    1 week old chicks

  6. ladylo

    moving in to chicken coop

    Thank you
  7. ladylo


    Do chics need such as Gatorade? I have read some suggestions on it but not sure why?
  8. ladylo

    moving in to chicken coop

    hi ya'll how do I transition chics into the coop? and at how many weeks old? Do we wait for the adult feathers to grow in? We have 3 chics that are a couple weeks old, they are very young still but this is our first time with a flock. any advise is appreciated.
  9. ladylo

    clipping feathers

    Oh that's such helpful info and the diagram. Thank you
  10. ladylo

    clipping feathers

    thank you, I may post again eventually in need of advice about clipping. We are bringing home 2 newly hatched chics (Buffs). I realize that breed tends to be little less apt to want to fly however, we have neighbors in close proximity with pets. I want to prevent any incidents in the future.
  11. ladylo

    what type of food?

    Will be bringing home newly hatched chics, no there are not any other birds and they will be egg layers
  12. ladylo

    starting a chicken flock

    We have decided to get 2 buff orpingtons. The description of this breed makes me feel like they would be a good match for us, as egg layers and as a pet. Of course, this is our first time setting up a coup. Therefore,any advice on the breed or other breeds are welcome.
  13. ladylo

    what type of food?

    We will be bringing home 3 chics this week. Any suggestions on food?
  14. ladylo

    clipping feathers

    I need some advise on clipping feathers to deter or prevent escaping over a fence.
  15. ladylo

    starting a chicken flock

    Hello everyone! My husband and I are starting to set up a coop. We do not have the chicks yet and need some advice. All advice is appreciated and we look forward to being a part of the forum. --Ladylo
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