Recent content by LadyHawkeAvry

  1. LadyHawkeAvry

    Show off your house ducks!

    @Amykins That watermelon story is wonderful!!!! Bean is such a character! We need more pictures of her cuteness, and wobbles, because he is Cute with a capital c... Still raining like crazy here. One corner of the field is a swamp. Missy goes up to the door to the yard and bathes in the...
  2. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    One corner of the property is under several inches of water. The flood line extended just up to my summer squash, but hasn't drowned them. Integration night for the chickens. I have half a dozen young orpingtons to add to the flock. I'm on the fence about putting the keets with everyone. They...
  3. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I hear you! I tried to get some rhubarb going here and it never took off. I am going to have to try again, since I'd really like to have some growing!
  4. LadyHawkeAvry

    Show off your house ducks!

    Post a video of them quacking. Voice is the easiest way to tell the ladies from the gents! @Amykins you must tell us about bean and said watermelon! The visual in my head is just wonderful! And what awful kids at the park! Missy looks to me for reassurance around strangers. She asks for kisses...
  5. LadyHawkeAvry

    Show off your house ducks!

    The mama Muscovy is getting near birdie lockdown, so she rarely gets off her nest other than to jump in the kiddie pool to wet her feathers. Missy has been free to play house in her "nest" as a result. She shoved her play eggs off to one side, so I threw them in the incubator, but everything has...
  6. LadyHawkeAvry

    Show off your house ducks!

    That sounds like a hen and a drake! That corduroy rubbing sound is totally a drake quack. Mom had a heart attack, so I'm just catching up on all the cuteness here, and reuniting with my own birds after over a week of sleeping in hospital chairs and driving for hours. I am waiting for the...
  7. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Finally settling back in. Mom began getting sick a week and a half ago, and a week ago was admitted to the hospital for a heart attack. Was at the hospital for a good week, while my hubby (also sick and in the ER once and urgent care once over the same period) tried to manage the birds and an...
  8. LadyHawkeAvry

    Show off your house ducks!

    To keep the peace in the Inner Sanctum pen, I gave Missy 3 Muscovy eggs. She is too young to lay herself, but her fascination with nests and babies gets her in trouble with the resident broody. She halfway sat on them, pushed them off to the side, and was totally ineffective, but that meant they...
  9. LadyHawkeAvry

    Show off your house ducks!

    Post the video to YouTube, then you can link it to here! If their voices are starting to change you can probably voice sex them and know who is what for sure! :)
  10. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    What a gloriously fat toad!!!
  11. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My mulberry tree is huge, and laden with unripe fruit this year. It looks like it's going to be a bumper crop for the birds this year - the orchard looks like it's going to be a hot hangout in the fall as well!
  12. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    She is a handful - loud, large, and in charge... My saxony hens are all that way. Her mother can bite harder and do more damage than an angry goose. One of her sisters is the mistress of the Body Slam From Out of Nowhere. Her other sister is queen of the Bite from Behind... Drakes are much more...
  13. LadyHawkeAvry

    Show off your house ducks!

    Mine actually think they will be able to get some lift under their ginormous bodies.... Missy's sister is the top flyer of the yard. She got about 2 feet off the ground and traveled, at best, 3 feet. I'm sure all the other ducks were jealous of her spectacular high flying adventures, seeing as...
  14. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Don't mess with Mr. Turkey!!! :lau
  15. LadyHawkeAvry

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    We scoured the grounds - and her spot under the cart was the first place I looked. I found a really well hidden pekin nest, but not her. She got attacked by narcissus as a young duckling, and is basically a shut in. She will only go out if you put her out physically, and is always happy to get...
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