Recent content by Lady Catrina

  1. Lady Catrina

    Another reason texting can be bad

    she claims it is because no one wanted to see if she was okay, and that they didn't take her feelings into consideration when they sent the video worldwide. Here is the link: Personally, I agree with her at...
  2. Lady Catrina

    Another reason texting can be bad

    Sigh - and now, she is looking at suing the mall - go figure.
  3. Lady Catrina

    CONTEST: 50,000 BYC Members? Guess the HOUR & Win!

    2/28/2010 at 1:00PM (my birthday )
  4. Lady Catrina

    !*! FREE chicks from IDEAL !*! You're not going to believe this!!!

    Quote: I fully agree. If you don't do this, than is almost like putting out a neon sign to the predators, IMO. I tried to cut mine (5 mo. olds) loose two days ago, and it was a nightmare getting them back in the coop, so I told them that they will have to wait until they are older before we...
  5. Lady Catrina

    Separate the bully or the bullied?

    Very true - separate the bully. I have a runt that was always being picked on, and I had no choice but to separate her. Tried and tried to reintroduce her once her foot healed, but no - she now lives in a very large rabbit cage, within the coop. I have a roo also that started getting picked...
  6. Lady Catrina

    My house is predator central!

    We bought our urine at the feed store - they had fox and coyote - you might try there
  7. Lady Catrina

    Am I just stupid?

    I just looked over the ON website, as well as their FB page - did not see anything, BUT that does not mean it is not real. How many times have you been in a petsmart, and they ask if you want to donate to help an animal? I am sure it is legit. If you want more clarification, go to their...
  8. Lady Catrina

    Neighbors Dogs killing chickens

    I would certainly get a camera, if not a game camera then what we did when all our barn cat food was disappearing: set up a remote security camera that links to your VCR, and tape. We have 8 hours of video of coons, 'possums, cats, and skunks coming to eat the catfood. The cameras are not...
  9. Lady Catrina

    If you could have ANY kind of livestock....

    Well, we already have the two horses, dogs, cats, and chickens. HAD a goose, but someone stole him last Feb. and we haven't replace him yet. I would get (and have already researched) water buffalo. They are rideable, can haul logs, have great milk, and I would have mozzarella du bufala...
  10. Lady Catrina

    Coffee's ready...

    Good morning, all.
  11. Lady Catrina

    Helping a Hen 'give birth' to an egg...?

    Quote: I did search, and like yourself the results were 'TAKE HER TO THE VET' or cull her. Also dire warnings about trying to get the egg out yourself. For me it wasn't hard at all, and we do basic vetting ourselves anyways, so it was no big deal, not really. As for how she's doing, there...
  12. Lady Catrina

    Helping a Hen 'give birth' to an egg...?

    At last check about 9:30p, she was kinda hunched over, not to happy, but not too bad. Still standing. I had to move her out of the rabbit cage as she was constantly knocking over her water. I put her in with two others that I have that are in a VERY large rabbit/'any animal that needs it'...
  13. Lady Catrina

    Cost of Eggs by State January 2010

    I sell for 2$ here, am in Joshua Texas. Saw a Craig's list ad for a lady in Joshua that was selling for 2.50. Everyone I sell to says I have a very low price, so am thinking of going up in the spring when I get more eggs... Maybe. Quote: Aloha!!!! I lived on Oahu when I was a child...
  14. Lady Catrina

    Okay What would your DH do?

    Quote: wake up farmerlor wake up these type of DH do not really exhist. You were dreaming silly. Or do they Yes, they most certainly do - I have one to prove it! If it had happened here, my DH would have cleaned it up, without even telling me it happened. If I saw it happen, and...
  15. Lady Catrina

    Hmm...DH found a rubberband INSIDE an egg! PIC ADDED to post #22!

    I BELIEVE YOU!!! My DH showed me an article from an old newspaper, about 1902? that had a story (AND PICTURE) of a nickel that was found INSIDE an egg. It happens. Here is an image from a google search...
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