Recent content by Kung_pao

  1. K

    RIR is overly talkative. Can I get her to quiet down?

    I don’t think I’ve ever had a flock that didn’t have one that was always yelling.
  2. K

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    If you have a good electric fence it will stop a bear most of the time. Do some research and get the strongest one you can afford.
  3. K

    🐣🐥Black Copper Marans and Whiting True Blues. Lots of videos🎥

    I’m jealous, those are way prettier than mine!
  4. K

    What’s wrong with this guys head?

    He looks like a cute little striped buzzard lol. Did he scorch his head on a heat lamp or maybe he rubbed it raw on the top of the brooder?
  5. K

    Update on sick chicks: what else can I do ?

    Things happen for a reason, good job!
  6. K

    Update on sick chicks: what else can I do ?

    If you put squares of cardboard or plywood maybe 16x16 under the feed and water it really cuts down on the pine shavings in the food and water.
  7. K

    Update on sick chicks: what else can I do ?

    That looks way better!
  8. K

    Quiet geese

    For years I had a large flock of American buffs. They were beautiful large birds and very peaceful for geese. Even with 15-20 they rarely made much noise and never once attacked, even when getting eggs.
  9. K

    2 chickens dead 2pm ???! Help

    Raccoons are terrible and if they are hungry they will come out day or night. I wish they weren’t so cute, I shoot them but it’s hard lol.
  10. K

    2 chickens dead 2pm ???! Help

    Why don't raptors eat at 2pm? Is it their nap time or something? I see them from sun up to sundowns, but I’ve never really looked at my watch to see what time they eat specifically, I assumed it was any time the opportunity arose. I’ll have to do some more research on the subject.
  11. K

    Got 10+ new birds. No eggs...

    Are they higher than the nest boxes?
  12. K

    Got 10+ new birds. No eggs...

    Hopefully the flock she got rid of aren’t egg eaters! The rollout nest boxes will take care of that problem though. Are the roosts above the nest boxes and can the hens easily get to them, like a step or box to hop on so they don’t have yo try to fly way up to the roost.
  13. K

    What color is Astrid?

    I have a couple of whiting true blues that look similar
  14. K

    Goose eggs didnt have heat for 2 hours are they done for!?

    They’ll be fine, don’t stress. Geese and ducks get off the nests for longer periods of time than we realize. I bet some or all of them continue developing.
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