Recent content by kstaven

  1. steampunk bracer

    steampunk bracer

  2. Steampunk bracer

    Steampunk bracer

  3. Dragon claw wristband

    Dragon claw wristband

  4. Leather Stavencraft

    Leather Stavencraft

    My custom leather items.
  5. kstaven

    With Friends Like This . . . .

    obviously not one of these people ever heard of a safety.
  6. kstaven

    Posting pictures from mobile

    If it is timing out then your data connection has issues. Time to talk to your carrier.
  7. kstaven

    New BYC Features & Updates - New Image Uploader - Social Media & Sharing Buttons

    If your operating system is up to date it is. One more thing. The system may be shooting you over to mobile format which limits some features. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click desktop.
  8. kstaven

    New BYC format

    The mobile and desktop versions have a very different look and feel.
  9. kstaven

    New BYC format

    Are you asking about the mobile version? I looked at the log and it looks like you just updated your browser? Did it start at that point?
  10. kstaven

    New BYC 6 Year Club - Six Year Active Member Award

    Doesn't seem it was that long ago. When do I qualify for a pension?
  11. kstaven

    American soldiers, seeking refugee status in Canada

    I normally avoid these threads like the plague because they are so heated, but in this one felt compelled to add one thing. Agree or disagree with these guys jumping ship and going to Canada one thing in this discussion is missed. Maybe it is a good thing they did. A person who panics, freezes...
  12. kstaven

    Want to buy Mille Fleur OEGB Roo

    Please post in the want to buy section. Thanks.
  13. kstaven

    Battery Farms and the Humane Society

    The rule was put in place a long time ago because animal rights as a topic tends to be as charged and divisive as political and religious threads. Within the first few pages they always digress into a fight.
  14. kstaven

    App for forum?

    Your phone isn't accepting cookies then.
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