Recent content by Krux5506

  1. Krux5506

    Lump on back of head

    Definitely hard. She didn't seem to mind me pushing on it either.
  2. Krux5506

    Lump on back of head

    Hello! Any ideas what this lump could be from right on the back of my Easter Egger's head? I noticed it a month ago and thought maybe she just got pecked/lost a feather back there but the lump has definitely gotten bigger since then and more noticeable. All behaviors and egg laying have been the...
  3. Krux5506

    All Flock Higher Protein Feed vs. Layer Feed

    One of the biggest things I've learned from this forum is how many people (on here) go with a higher protein feed with shell on the side rather than layer. Layer feeds often can be deficient in certain things. Whenever I see someone brag about how cheap their feed is, usually one look at the...
  4. Krux5506

    Looking for feed ideas without flax/flaxseed

    That study is pretty interesting. canola in general is a weird plant/product and I avoid it in chicken feeds.
  5. Krux5506


    Try to start local if you have any mills nearby. Unfortunately for me, I do not have any nearby, and even the ones that are somewhat close, like an hour or more away, have extremely unimpressive ingredients/nutrient content. So I'm at the mercy of ordering online, and it can be a crapshoot as...
  6. Krux5506

    Looking for feed ideas without flax/flaxseed

    My understanding is this issue is related more to just an increased omega 3 intake. The feed you are using is formulated with extra omega 3's so chances are if you get them off that feed and onto something without that (even if it still has flax) your issue likely will resolve.
  7. Krux5506

    Raw fish.

    right! occasionally I'll give mine a little bit of fish like tuna scraps or sardines if I get a tin that I happen to not like or something but i haven't ever given them enough to make any difference in their egg quality. I remember back before I had chickens I was buying organic eggs from a...
  8. Krux5506

    Raw fish.

    I've heard that too. Overload of omega 3's can do that to eggs. I don't really feed my chickens fish for that reason.
  9. Krux5506

    Chicken Coop bedding

    Always satisfying to put what often would otherwise be "waste" to perfectly good use like this. I cut a lot of firewood every year and save a lot of the chainsaw wood chips from that. I make firestarters out of them or lately I do what you did and just dump them in the chicken run. Keeps them...
  10. Krux5506

    Thoughts and Observations on Protein

    I went back to the old chick feed. What in your opinion is an excessive level for methionine specifically for laying birds? The chick feed I went back to now lists .6% but the previous bags were .5%. Curious why they would bump it up a bit and I think it's one of the higher levels I've seen.
  11. Krux5506

    Im chicken to feed them the carcass!

    Not only will they love that, but you'll be quite impressed with how clean that carcass will be when they are done with it. I always get a kick out of it. very meticulous detail work they do with them!
  12. Krux5506


    If there's one thing I've learned from the far more experienced people on here than myself, it's how to pick apart a feed's deficiencies - and very typically these are layer feeds. So I would definitely start with the feed rather than trying to add treats to offset a deficient feed.
  13. Krux5506

    Omlet Auto Door Problem

    I could be wrong but you may have to do a reset/recalibration after putting new batteries in.
  14. Krux5506

    Thoughts and Observations on Protein

    Here's the goofy thing though...They have another corn/soy free feed but it's 16% protein. THAT feed has .5% methionine which is a good level. the one i got, which is 18% protein also corn/soy free is the one that's .2% methionine. Seems like a very bizarre oversight to me. Here's the links to...
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