Recent content by kristamakk

  1. kristamakk

    chicken weak and won’t stand

    hello! we recently rescued some factory farm chickens. they are not in good shape, but we are worried for one in particular. she is 11 months old, maybe weighs a kilogram. when she arrived she was being transported with a huge amount of other chickens, she was squished under them. she is weak...
  2. kristamakk

    chicken with sudden laboured breathing!

    we use straw and live in latvia, we do not have high humidity. but i have good news - she has gotten better. these bursts have become shorter and easier for her. i have high suspicion of asthma, because her sisters also had genetic breathing problems. (they are rescues from an egg farm.)
  3. kristamakk

    chicken with sudden laboured breathing!

    okay so, my 2-3 year old chicken Misha has been experiencing sudden bursts of not being able to breathe. she will turn completely blue and i need to keep her next to an open window to get enough oxygen to survive this attack. it will last for 10-20 minutes before she can relax and breathe...
  4. kristamakk

    How far will chickens free range in a few hours?

    Personally, i let my chickens fully free roam where they want just because my area is huge and i have a fence around. Yet the chickens always gravitate towards the sunnier, greener areas, and dry dirt/sand to lay in. I'm sure the door would most likely help, but they might want to get to the...
  5. kristamakk

    please help!! chicken is puffed up an not moving much.

    thank you!! i'm really hoping she'll end up okay. I will most likely isolate her.
  6. kristamakk

    please help!! chicken is puffed up an not moving much.

    I've had her for about a year. She was one of 20 rescues from a egg farm, so i don't know how she was treated there other than neglect. She is the brown one, sorry, couldn't get a picture of just her as they are all warming up in the sun. When i put her down after i checked for mites, she did go...
  7. kristamakk

    please help!! chicken is puffed up an not moving much.

    This morning when i walked into the coop, one of my rescue chickens is puffed up and not moving much. I checked it out and thought maybe she is just tired, it is early. But now it's been a few hours and it doesn't seem to be feeling better. We don't know their exact age, it is around 1.5-2 years...
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