Recent content by Konstantinos

  1. Konstantinos

    Best breed to attack hawks

    I am surprised noone suggested a Liege fighter rooster so far...
  2. Konstantinos

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    No i don't own turkens. No chickens at all at the moment but planning to. I am from Thessaloniki. I will join the thread. Thank you patrida!
  3. Konstantinos

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Happy new year!
  4. Konstantinos

    Wyandotte vs Turken BROODINESS

    Turkens or Wyandottes???
  5. Konstantinos

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    So up to 100 eggs a year that I ve read is correct... and the range of 150-200 or even 250 is false???
  6. Konstantinos

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    How about their egg production?
  7. Konstantinos

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Are naked neck turken chickens broody??? Also how many eggs they produce per year??? I ve read different opinions on both questions...
  8. Konstantinos

    Naked Neck guesses please

    Again thanks a lot. This solved all my questions...
  9. Konstantinos

    Naked Neck guesses please

    That is great!!! but it also makes you wrong...😕 bow tie to bow tie does give 25% fully feathered...
  10. Konstantinos

    Naked Neck guesses please

    Even if both parents are double gene naked necks will have bow tie offspring???
  11. Konstantinos

    What would happen if you breed a naked neck and any other breed?

    So if you cross a double gene naked neck to a fully feathered chicken you get 100% one gene naked neck meaning that they would have the clump of feathers. Right? What happens if you crossbreed two chickens with one gene naked neck togethet? Will you get 100% the same as parents or 25% double...
  12. Konstantinos

    What would happen if you breed a naked neck and any other breed?

    So the purebred naked neck turken chickens have two naked genes right? Or are there one gene too?
  13. Konstantinos

    Naked Neck guesses please

    Arent purebreds naked necks double gene? That wouldnt mean that all the crossbreed (with a non naked neck) offspring will be ''bow tie'' meaning single gene so all naked necks? I am just asking! I was looking for this info on the forum... Not trying to be smart or rude.
  14. Konstantinos

    What would happen if you breed a naked neck and any other breed?

    Could you tell if a chicken has one or two naked genes? Or would they look the same?
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