Recent content by Know it All

  1. Know it All

    Whose laying the white eggs?

    I would say your Prairie Bluebells are laying those eggs. After all, Prairie Bluebells are a cross of Araucana and White Leghorn. So it's possible the white egg gene was carried into your chicks. I bet you got them from Hoover's Hatchery. Hoover's Hatchery crosses F1 parents, so there is a 25%...
  2. Know it All

    Preventing birds from perching and pooping on top of 5 gallon feeder/waterer

    I definitely want to try using a nipple waterer someday. My neighbor uses them and it keeps the water really clean. But first off, I'm super lazy and don't want to put in the work AND secondly, my chickens are living with my ducks and can just drink out of the pond, so I using a nipple waterer...
  3. Know it All

    Smaller chickens being bullied

    Selling them should be enough. Once they are gone there is nothing to worry about, so I see no issues. Separating the hens from the roosters would be wise if they are beating up on them (at least until they are gone)
  4. Know it All

    Preventing birds from perching and pooping on top of 5 gallon feeder/waterer

    Funnels work. I've used them before. Silly hens for eating the tape! It's like they look for ways to frustrate their hoomans. Chickens can be so naughty 😂
  5. Know it All

    ISO bantam ameraucana, olive, or easter egger hatching eggs!

    There are plenty of places you could order from. Are you looking for hatchery or breeder stock?
  6. Know it All

    Do chickens eat and pass plastic?

    As long as the plastic isn't sharp, they should be fine. Yes, they will poop it out, as long as it doesn't get stuck in their digestive tract. And I believe you said it was microplastic, so they'll be fine. I've never encountered this problem before, so that's just my thinking on it. (I mean...
  7. Know it All

    Tips for candling dark eggs?

    What are you using to candle them? It may not be bright enough. Allow your eyes to adjust to darkness before candling (and candle in a dark room). And at day 7, you aren't going to see much. I would candle at day 10 at the earliest. Brown eggs are also much harder to see into, so that makes sense.
  8. Know it All

    No, unfortunately... no mini skateboards around here. Found it online. I mean, who doesn't love...

    No, unfortunately... no mini skateboards around here. Found it online. I mean, who doesn't love a baby chick on a skateboard?!
  9. Know it All

    Thank you! I thought it was fun

    Thank you! I thought it was fun
  10. Know it All

    Breeding for olive eggs, why cross dark brown roo over blue hen and not the other way around?

    I'm sorry, I may have misspoken. We're all learning here. I'll have to ask around.... for some reason I feel that feathering impacts egg color. Do you know anything about that? I know that the coloring of the egg can (sometimes) be predicted based on feathering/earlobes. Not all the time, but to...
  11. Know it All

    Are these eggs dead?

    Here; this is another conversation on BYC that is very similar, and may answer your questions. Hopefully it will clear things up! Also: make sure there is movement in the egg (you don't want a dead...
  12. Know it All

    Are these eggs dead?

    Can you take a better picture of the second one? I think it could be fertile, because you can't see the top all the way. Of course, @nuthatched could be right. I think you should always double-check when you're dealing with living animals
  13. Know it All

    Barn lime question

    I'm not sure about that lime, but if you're using it to make your coop smell better/neutralize ammonia, I would recommend Sweet PDZ. It's easier to find reputable companies that sell the stuff, and it does it all; kills the bugs, bad gases, and to top it off, leaves a slightly sweet smell. Don't...
  14. Know it All

    Hens missing neck feathers

    Are you saying one of the hens is pulling the neck feathers off the others? Besides that, if there is bleeding, apply Blu-Kote instead of lotion (it is designed for livestock/poultry and they can't pick it off)
  15. Know it All

    Are these eggs dead?

    I think the second egg is fertile. The first egg is dead
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