Recent content by kiwiegg

  1. kiwiegg

    Anyone have success with gravel in uncovered run?

    We have 17 chooks and everyone seems very happy. Chris, I would not be putting landscape fabric down for weeds...there will never be any plants of any kind growing in the run! I figured if I put down enough gravel I could periodically rake it and the stapled down fabric would still allow for...
  2. kiwiegg

    Anyone have success with gravel in uncovered run?
  3. kiwiegg

    Anyone have success with gravel in uncovered run?

    Hi everyone. Getting ready for winter and the run is ready for a permanent ground cover. The chooks have taken care of the grass roots for me. I'm thinking that I should put some long term landscape fabric down then a couple of inches of pea gravel. Anyone have any luck with this or any other...
  4. kiwiegg

    Basic feeding requirements?

    Hi all! One of our 17 babes (red sex link) started laying perfect little brown eggs 3 days ago. I want to make sure that I am giving them the right nutrition. They have access to plenty of water and the organic chix food I buy at the local feed store. Almost every day they get a some veges from...
  5. kiwiegg

    Automatic doors

    Pullet shut ( have very good customer service and the door is awesome and easy to set up. I hate crappy material in anything I build and this door is very well made and integrates easily into coop design.
  6. kiwiegg

    *My completed coop and run!* plus moveable run question...

    FIRST EGG! The oldest hens are 4 months old now and I went out just now to check the gals (it's close to 100 degrees) and discovered a perfect brown egg! I only put nest boxes in the coop yesterday as I thought eggs were weeks away!. I had time this weekend to covert the old kids...
  7. kiwiegg

    Chicken poop and the vege garden questions...

    zstewart123, can I get a t-shirt that says, "Touch the poo, it isn't going to hurt you", with BYC on the back?
  8. kiwiegg

    Neighbor threatening to "take out my roosters"

    1. Contact law enforcement 2. When he threatens you again, tell him that you contacted law enforcement. 3. Ignore him. 4. Enjoy your wonderful property, animals and civil neighbors. 5. Put a brochure in his mail box for one of those sterile, gated communites in suburbia with the...
  9. kiwiegg

    Chicken poop and the vege garden questions...

    Thank you for the replies! Fred, after reading your link I think that I will wait until fall (after harvest) and dig the goodies into the soil rather than place the shavings/manure ON the garden or use it as a mulch. I planted pretty much everything this week and will end up digging up my seeds...
  10. kiwiegg

    Chicken poop and the vege garden questions...

    Hi all. The girls have been in their new coop and moveable pen for a couple of weeks and it's going great. The coop is 8x8 and I have 17 gals. The floor is linoleum then 3-4" of pine shavings. Although there is a ton of poop of course in the shavings it does not smell bad, yet. How long would...
  11. kiwiegg

    Which wire is best for my coop?

    Amazon saves the day again!
  12. kiwiegg

    *My completed coop and run!* plus moveable run question...

    Thanks guys! I will take a pic of inside later - not much to see though - have not built the nest boxes yet but have a poop board roost in there for when they are big enough - they are only between 3-5 weeks old. I have a baby roost under the big girl one. I started with the "Building chicken...
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