Recent content by Kitcatrn

  1. Kitcatrn

    Straw or dirt for my fenced run?

    What is DL? Deep Litter method? Sorry newbie here.
  2. Kitcatrn

    Killing, Plucking, Eviscerating, & Cutting Up Your Chicken - Graphic!

    Thank you so much! Pictures help tremendously!
  3. Kitcatrn

    New from Pisgah Forest NC

    Thanks Bird in hand....I love my bees. When you decide holler at me I can give you some practical advice and what you need and what you do not need. I will check out the thread!
  4. Kitcatrn

    New from Pisgah Forest NC

    Thank you so much for the other resources!!! Gonna read all I can and “Pick a chicken” In April if possible. Thanks again
  5. Kitcatrn

    New from Pisgah Forest NC

    Thanks! I have been learning about breeds....I really want layers and meat birds. Jersey Giants seem to be a bit more expensive so far I have ruled out on them...So much to learn
  6. Kitcatrn

    New from Pisgah Forest NC

    Hello, I joined to learn more about raising chickens for meat and eggs. I am a beekeeper and this has left me with the desire to learn more about being self sufficient. Excited about learning first and then hopefully get my little chickadees soon!
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