Recent content by Kimmyh51

  1. Kimmyh51

    An alarm to let you know if a heat lamp, heat plate, etc is not getting power?

    Hey just womdering if anyone knows of any device that you can ourchase which would set off an alarm, or better still, an alarm and also a wifi/internet alert to a device in the following situations: Heat source is unplugged Heat source is not getting power (ie power outtage) Or a temperature...
  2. Kimmyh51

    Advise on duck vitamins regarding laying effects

    Why do you want your ducks laying all winter? Its better for them to have a break. For them to lay year round may come at the cost of their health. Having said that, where I live i have lived in inland areas where its a little bit colder at night and daily lows (highs are the same), and my...
  3. Kimmyh51

    Double yolk eggs of any kind wanted

    What was the outcome of your two dbl yolkers?
  4. Kimmyh51

    Do we, or the makersof feed actually even know what ducks need for nutrition

    just wondering if anyone else out there, who has ducks, ducklings, and considers themselves to be oretty well educated on their nutritional needs, (ie niacin leg deficiency, needs for laying birds, etc, has had birds which have shown signs of what look to be nutritional deficiencie, despite you...
  5. Kimmyh51

    Comment by 'Kimmyh51' in article 'Niacin Deficiency in Waterfowl'

    I came across this post when doing a search specifically on niacin deficiency and Ducklings and short legs. Why? Because I have a Duck/recent Duckling who was exhibiting all the usual symptoms of mice and deficiency and who was treated for that but now has very short legs. Having said that, I...
  6. Kimmyh51

    What went wrong? Warning (Eggtopsy Pictures)

    I dont use any humidifier with my ducks in the incubator. I set it a bit lower than ideal as they do fine a little lower (last time I had them on 35.9 C). And i sprinkle tap water on with my hands once a day and thats it. Never had any ducklings fail to hatch, except for other reasos I knew...
  7. Kimmyh51

    Ducks beak growing deformed

    If the duckling was like mine, it would know how to eat, as the problem gets worse and worse as they grow as one side of the beak grows and the other does not. And if it was raised in captivity or as a pet it would presumably be fed food in a bowl. My boy can eat any food as long as it is in a...
  8. Kimmyh51

    Ducks beak growing deformed

    I have aduck like this, he is now an adult around a year old. He had a slight curve, barely noticeable as a wee duckling, which gradually became worse. My vet said it was because the growth plate on one side was not functioning for some reason (probably an injury in the egg maybe egg was...
  9. Kimmyh51

    Duckling, Increasingly Bald Back

    Ive had a lot of ducklings this year with bald areas on their backs (only their backs) have ruled out bullying, treated for feather mites, and not sure what is going on. I have raised ducklings for 7-8 years now and i know they can get bald patches as the duckling fluff can wear out before the...
  10. Kimmyh51

    Broody Ducks Leaving Nests at Night

    Apparently if disturbed by a predator they stay off longer and dont cover the nest, and some will take planned short breaks near dawn where no predator is involved and they will cover the nest. This behaviour matches what i heard in my wild ducks tonight...
  11. Kimmyh51

    Broody Ducks Leaving Nests at Night

    I thought it was odd when I heard wild animals broody ducks off the nest at night, so I googled it...
  12. Kimmyh51

    Outcast duck

    If you are in the northern hemisphere and in autumn sometimes they still do this in late summer/autumn, I wonder if global temperature changes are contributing, but regardless of season, the behaviour you describe and the condition of the victimised drake tells me you need to separate him right...
  13. Kimmyh51

    Outcast duck

    What genders are the ducks? And what season is it where you are? feathers ripped out of the back of the neck is usually a rape attempt and you def need to kero the victimised duck sep from the others. I have never seen makes do this to another make except during breeding season, which here in NZ...
  14. Kimmyh51

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    Ha, also noticed that most the 210 pgs of this thread are unrelated to religion...unless there is a church of chicken poop? Lol
  15. Kimmyh51

    Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

    I saw this, and I have to ask since when did we need to keep poultry by religon or sexual preference? my ducks are happy with all faith systems and they swing all ways (believe me lol and i love how they love each other however they choose to love) As long as the green peas keep flowing, the...
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