Recent content by Kg2022

  1. Kg2022

    Floppy comb

    Can high heat and humidity cause a floppy comb of 3 yr old hen?
  2. Kg2022

    Deworming and floppy comb

    Does humid hot weather cause floppy combs?
  3. Kg2022

    Can anyone help identify poop? She Sick? EYP?

    No this a different bird. The Baytril one is still alive. No lice/mites. Have you seen chicken poop like that before? Have given probiotics. Would I always be able to see worms in poop?
  4. Kg2022

    Can anyone help identify poop? She Sick? EYP?

    Hi, we have spoken a few times…I first treated her for vent gleet, and noticed her poop had was that yellow diarrhea, which did clear up. For me the dreaded yellow yolk looking poop, I just sighed thinking of EYP, but had hopes for no lash eggs. So a week has passed and I was concerned about...
  5. Kg2022

    Can anyone help identify poop? She Sick? EYP?

  6. Kg2022

    Lethargic chicken:: Yellow poop, lash

    Since the other seemly healthy hen in coop/run isn’t laying, I’m afraid she will be next 😞 Didn’t know if I could prevent bacteria ?!
  7. Kg2022

    Lethargic chicken:: Yellow poop, lash

    Should I treat the other 3 hens in any way to prevent or try to lessen the chance of them developing EYP or Salpingitis? Out of the 5..( 3 are in coop, 2 sick are in garage) Only two are laying. I could care less about egg production. I believe they are Red Sex Linked hens. I wish I would of...
  8. Kg2022

    Lethargic chicken:: Yellow poop, lash

    Thank you. I feel for them. The one on the left ( large crate) has been sick since end of September. I purchased 10% powder Enrofloxin. Do you know how to dose it to a singe bird? Or just use the mixed gallon dose and syringe it several times a day?
  9. Kg2022

    Lethargic chicken:: Yellow poop, lash

    These two haven’t laid since the summer.
  10. Kg2022

    Lethargic chicken:: Yellow poop, lash

    So essentially once you see a small piece of lash material pass…’s typically downhill from there for the chicken?
  11. Kg2022

    Lethargic chicken:: Yellow poop, lash

    So essentially once you see a small piece of lash material pass…’s typically downhill from there for the chicken?
  12. Kg2022

    Lethargic chicken:: Yellow poop, lash

    No new birds. Started with 6. 1 passed this summer, 2 are now quarantined and the other 3 seem fine. The black comes apart very easily with a paper towel so assuming it’s poop. And the yellow poop that’s in the pics happened when I was in there…so no slug.
  13. Kg2022

    Lethargic chicken:: Yellow poop, lash

    Any advice? I don’t want the initial hen to keep suffering. She’s eating and drinking. I had to place her food and water higher up bc she struggles bending over to eat due to her stance. Good days and bad days for her. Im giving her Enrofloxin as well….am I just making it worse?
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