Recent content by Kerya

  1. Kerya

    Duck foot injury / illness, need advice

    I keep forgetting to update this! I didn’t want to bother anyone with a ping but pretty soon after (1+ week) the spots slowly started getting less dark in colour & started shrinking. By week 2 it was more noticeably healing, colour was getting less black and closer to regular colours. About now...
  2. Kerya

    Duck foot injury / illness, need advice

    I can check the hardware stores next time I’m out, there IS a peavy mart I can check too! I’ll look for pellets though, thank you ! I get my duck food from a Starfra Feeds though,
  3. Kerya

    Duck foot injury / illness, need advice

    Thank you for your help! I’ll make sure to update you as their feet get better (: I love that your flock sounds a bit silly too haha, it seems there’s no avoiding some goofy duck / goose / chicken jenga
  4. Kerya

    Duck foot injury / illness, need advice

    I’ll make sure to update this thread and maybe tag ya with the progress on their feet. I cleaned out their bedding just before having a large nap lol. I do wish I could find some pine shavings, it sounds better. I’m either bad at using google or don’t have a great farm store yet as I haven’t...
  5. Kerya

    Duck foot injury / illness, need advice

    I’m about 40 minutes outside the Peterborough area, in the “bush” haha. But for real though, I wonder why they like it so much! They’re such menaces, they wouldn’t stop making holes as I was trying to add the walls lol
  6. Kerya

    Duck foot injury / illness, need advice

    @Jenbirdee @Miss Lydia @Canadian Wind The ventilation does need to be fixed, I need better ventilation on their side of the duck house. It’s a bit hard to explain but essentially I converted a greenhouse to be their duck house / coop. It‘s currently sectioned off in 3 groups, the runner ducks...
  7. Kerya

    Duck foot injury / illness, need advice

    It has gotten around and up to -10°c so far (inside the duck house) but where I am it gets a lot colder so it won’t be easier going forward either. One of my other runners did / does have a bit of frostbite and he’s been inside since (zipper). It’s not a horrible case either but looks different...
  8. Kerya

    Duck foot injury / illness, need advice

    Recently the humidity has been harder to control in my duck house than usual, and now my boys feet don’t look good. I’m assuming the humidity + cold has done it, or helped do it ? I don’t fully believe it’s bumble foot as some of these cut like things have a scaly / ridged sort of texture. I...
  9. Kerya

    Winter Preparations

    Okay so I’m converting a greenhouse to the duck house and I’m winterizing and planning to winterize further as it goes. I’m in Ontario (Canada) and it gets to -40°c where I’m at. I plan to have the ducks in their duck house most / all of the winter on those bad days, not going outside. If...
  10. Kerya

    Call Duckling with Deformed Bill - HELP! Need Advice

    How have yours been now that it has been a few months? I have 2 like this only a few days old. 1 of them actually has “holes” on both sides and isn’t crossing luckily, but the others is crossing a teeny bit more as days go by. Mine try the hard crumble from another duckling, but I give them a...
  11. Kerya

    Strange Egg: Is it a Lash egg or something else?

    I will make sure to do that, I’ll watch her closely. So far I’m hoping glitch, she is exhibiting normal behaviour and nothing looks out of place. I will hope it stays that way. I’ll put out some oystershell as well! And yeah, unfortunately at the moment my ratio is off. Because they’re coming...
  12. Kerya

    Strange Egg: Is it a Lash egg or something else?

    That would be relieving, also there’s no chance it would be another gal. Just before it was laid I cleaned their entire area out, she’s separated by fence so she’s by herself but can still poke/see her brothers. I watched her make her first nest, it was so cute!
  13. Kerya

    Strange Egg: Is it a Lash egg or something else?

    Oh I apologize, the treats I don’t give every day, I guess I shouldn’t have included them in my response. It’s just the grower/layer every day! I don’t believe my local farm store has a crumble, unless the duck starter feed is a crumble. I haven’t looked at chicken food for ducks
  14. Kerya

    Strange Egg: Is it a Lash egg or something else?

    Yikes that’s scary, I hope that isn’t the case. She is a new layer though, literally her first time laying, she’s only 6 months since October 11th I believe
  15. Kerya

    Strange Egg: Is it a Lash egg or something else?

    I feed them grower still as I haven’t found a maintenance feed that’ll ship to me, and was told I could just keep them on it mixed with a layer or starter. My adults (1-2+ years) are on a layer feed as their main food. The “babies” (6 months and a bit) have had a mix of the layer and grower...
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