Recent content by Kershylyn

  1. Kershylyn

    Comment by 'Kershylyn' in article 'Brooding with Mama Heating Pad'

    I love this post. <3 I have always wanted to try this and have not been able to find the video since I first found out about it. I appreciate your step by step instructions and how straight forward knowledgeable you wrote the article. Thank you for sharing!
  2. Kershylyn

    Comment by 'Kershylyn' in article 'Hinotori's Coop'

    I love it! Wonderful Pics and Amazing looking birds! Congratulations on Pic Of The Week! I was Fascanated the whole time!
  3. Kershylyn

     Vitamin Supplements

    I did end up giving the flock 2 crushed up Oystercal-D pills. I put it in their water, 2/ 1000 mg per gal. They ended up laying 13 eggs in one day. I think that it worked amazingly, I do not want to over calcium them though. I do not know what I am going to do about them being exposed to the...
  4. Kershylyn

    Housing 50 Hens- Need Ideas

    I will have to take some pictures and show you our first coop, second coop and third. None of them are very pretty as they are all built with recycled material, the only bought things are the nails. Which is still pretty cool, oh and the chicken wire. The first one is more like a laying box that...
  5. Kershylyn

     Vitamin Supplements

    Recently I have been reading up on the nutrients on how to grow a healthy flock. I found the article here on the BYC learning center. It was helpful with nailing down the 9 most important things a chicken needs to thrive and flourish. One of those things are Calcium, hence a healthy amount of...
  6. Kershylyn

    Ameracauna or EE??

    With her first brood.
  7. Kershylyn

    Ameracauna or EE??

    I found your wisdom useful, as I am trying to figure out if my hen is an Ameraucana or an EE? I read the article that you shared with the link, on how to determine the difference between the 3 breeds. I am even more confused because my hen has the colors of an EE, ( looks just like the one in...
  8. Kershylyn

    Ameracauna or EE??

    The hen I am referring to is on my profile picture, with a baby from her first brood. Not a great picture. I can be such a blonde at times.
  9. Kershylyn

    Culling with baking soda and vinegar

    What surprises me is that none of you mentioned hanging the animal upside down and waiting for it to go into a trance, then slitting the throat. Death is never easy, but this was the easiest way I saw. I will never cut a chickens head off with an ax. I watched my Dad screw that up more than once...
  10. Kershylyn

    4 month old Ameraucana....could it be a roo?

    At first I was thinking that he was a Pullet, as I examined the neck and tail feather's, it certainly look's like a cockerel. Lucky bug. I love Ameraucana's. The hen in my pic is named Mama and she is a sweet heart. <3 Friendly as all get out and smart too. She is in her second brood, I am...
  11. Kershylyn

    Should Turkeys and Chickens be separated?

    I just wanted to say Thank You to all of those who gave advice, information and shared stories! It is very much appreciated! My Tom Turkey, "Turka-Turk", has been making weird noises toward my dominant roo, almost as if to egg him on to a fight. Towering over him and trying to push him...
  12. Kershylyn

    Comment by 'Kershylyn' in article 'Healing a severely injured baby chick'

    I am so thankful that you shared this story! It was a wonderful and very heartfelt article! For whatever reason I have taken a liking to injured birds. I am a bit new to healing chickens and a bit uninformed, so I do not know a lot on how to save them, yet I have saved some and I have lost more...
  13. Kershylyn

    Should Turkeys and Chickens be separated?

    Hello To All, I have 2 Blue Slate Turkey's, a Tom and a Hen. I am wondering if I should coop them up separately from the rest of my flock of Chickens? I am doing a bit of research on Turkey's, as this is my first time as a turkey parent. I have not found any post's yet on whether or...
  14. Kershylyn

    Review by '' on item 'Welsummer'

    I did no research on Welsummer's before getting mine and I would just like to say that I am thoroughly satisfied with my Welsummer's. I ended up with 2 hen's and 1 roo. My hen's lay at least one egg daily and are open to the thought of experimenting with brooding, they are doing their own...
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