Recent content by Kenncarr

  1. K

    Chick color possibilities with BBS genetics

    I’ve been breeding a Black Silverudds Rooster over a few of my Cream Legbar hens. Over the last few months this has produced Black sex-linked chicks which is what I would have expected. Recently I gave a few of the eggs to a broody hen. The chicks hatched today and all appear Blue….I haven’t...
  2. K

    Treating Pullet for Coccidiosis

    Need advice. I have a sick 5 month old DSL Barnevelder pullet. I am fairly positive she has Coccidiosis. We have had rain everyday for the last month so the ground is constantly wet. I lost a young cockerel suddenly from the same coop only 3 weeks ago. My husband noticed her distancing herself...
  3. K

    Lavender Orpingtons gender?

    Did this end up being a cockerel? Kinda looks like a hen to me.. 🤷‍♀️
  4. K

    12 Week Orpington Pullet???

    Ah I see. I try not to look too much into the saddle and hackle feathers. Mine are a few generations in and definitely don’t have the smoothest feathers. Even my laying hens have some pointed, some smoother rounded feathers. Usually my cockerels have super red pronounced combs starting about 5...
  5. K

    12 Week Orpington Pullet???

    Pic #4 is one of my laying hens. Possibly the mom to the pullets/cockerels. But they all have similar combs.
  6. K

    12 Week Orpington Pullet???

    Pullet or Cockerel?? I’ve been 100% sure this was a pullet, but now someone I gave the “sister” too is second guessing. So now I’m second guessing. 😂 what do you think about these two? Both 12-13 weeks old. I’m mostly looking at comb size and color because it’s so hard to sex by saddle feather...
  7. K

    Hatching Time Brooder Questions

    Had to come back and report an update after 1 year of use. I can’t even begin to explain what a joke of a purchase this was. I’ll try to sum it up. Constant leaking of the water system, would not hold heat well enough, and then a heater went out. I emailed customer service and they placed the...
  8. K

    Sudden Death of Rooster & Hen

    Thanks, we will be keeping a close eye. And hoping it was a coincidence between the two. We are NPIP and test for AI every 6 months. We are due in April so we will be sending in samples of our entire flock soon. I’ve invested the most into my Silverudds Blue stock so it’s hard to lose them. 😢
  9. K

    Sudden Death of Rooster & Hen

    AI is definitely on my mind, but we are in Utah and no cases around us so far. We don’t see many migrating waterfowl where we are, but we do have tons of starlings and sparrows that like to hang around.
  10. K

    Sudden Death of Rooster & Hen

    We are in Southern Utah. The birds get to free range once a week in a small area of our yard, but since it has been so cold the last few weeks it’s been a bit since they’ve gotten out of their run. Water intake seems normal. Poop seems normal. One had slightly more runny poop tonight but nothing...
  11. K

    Sudden Death of Rooster & Hen

    On Friday night I discovered my favorite Silverudds Blue hen dead on her back under the coop. She was 1.5 years old. I check on my coops several times a day and she has always been fine. She had suddenly stopped laying eggs for 3 weeks, we looked her over several times and could not find the...
  12. K

    Sex-Link using Legbars

    Another pic of the two together. Female on left, ?female? On right.
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