Recent content by kenh2010

  1. kenh2010

    Mature plumage - when?

    Thanks Ginormous. This is the first time we have ever had chickens and we are loving every minute of it. Our town has outlawed them for years and we had a successful presentation with City Hall and managed to change the ordinance. It's been a great experience. Anyhow, being new to all of...
  2. kenh2010

    Mature plumage - when?

    My new chicks are now 10 weeks old and are molting. When do they obtain their mature feathers so that I can determine if any are roosters or not? Thanks.
  3. kenh2010

    Having a Hard Time Installing Chicken Nipples?

    After reading posts of people having a hard time installing their chicken nipples in the bottom of bucket I thought that it couldn't be that hard. So, I bought some with grommets and tried to install them this afternoon. They were right - it is HARD! Anyhow, after several vain attempts to...
  4. kenh2010

    Feeding Quinoa?

    Ours love it too. We just make extra for dinner and use it as a treat. They do love it.
  5. kenh2010

    How can I get my chicks to eat their chick starter?

    We did the same as on the spot except we used our coffee grinder and spread a lot of it on the papers in the brooder. They ate that for a day or two and when we were sure they were eating it well just sprinkled it around their feeder til they started eating out of it. They did great. Have...
  6. kenh2010

    Growth Time-Line

    Thanks flying-babyb. Sounds like we're in the same boat! Wish you the best with yours too! My two GSLs at 6 weeks are just starting to develop very small combs, which they love to have rubbed. I know of course that they are females. The ones that have me confused are the Wyandottes - they...
  7. kenh2010

    Growth Time-Line

    I'm six weeks into my very first batch of chicks. Been way more fun than I ever expected! So far everything has gone well without a hitch except for a broken toenail the other day. I was wondering if anyone would have a minute to post a time line as to the development of chicks into pullets...
  8. kenh2010

    Growth Time-Line

    I'm six weeks into my very first batch of chicks. Been way more fun than I ever expected! So far everything has gone well without a hitch except for a broken toenail the other day. I was wondering if anyone would have a minute to post a time line as to the development of chicks into pullets...
  9. kenh2010

    broken toe nail - DE

    I'm relatively new to this forum and have been lurking in the other topics just having gotten my new chicks 5 weeks ago. Everything has been going well until tonight when one of my chicks broke a toenail and it was bleeding. I did have a jar of Diatomaceous Earth handy and packed some of the...
  10. kenh2010

    Sexing Silver Laced Wyandottes

    We have 4, supposedly pullets, but it sure is nerve-wracking trying to figure it out, considering we aren't allowed roosters in our City. Three look the same, almost identical. Their comb consists of a broad, yellowish/orange bare spot and the fourth's comb area is almost black with a little...
  11. kenh2010

    What is your chickens' favorite treat?

    1. chopped wheatgrass 2. grated carrots Ken
  12. kenh2010

    New & need advise how to get started

    Great ideas everyone! My contribution would be to make sure that your brooder is set up and working several days in advance. Sometimes it can be tricky getting the light set right so that the temperature is regulated properly. Seems like when the room temperature fluctuates (drops at night...
  13. kenh2010

    Tell me what your experience is with Polish Crested.....

    I agree with Stan. Ours our almost 5 weeks. My son wanted Polish along with the Brown Bovans and SLWs that I got. Both of the Polish are very flighty. While the others have tamed down and some step up on our hands the Polish always run when we approach them. The presumed female is always...
  14. kenh2010

    Baby chick questions...

    Congrats on your new chicks. I had the same idea of building a large brooder, dividing it in half and then removing the divider as they grew. Never put the divider in it and I don't think it was necessary after all. Actually, it's good for them to be able to get away from the heat if it gets...
  15. kenh2010

    I put them on shavings!

    I started with pine chips with newspaper (crunched up and straightened back out) on top for about three weeks. Really easy to clean up - morning and evening just rolled it up and popped it in the garbage. Then I left one end of the brooder (opposite the water and feeder) uncovered and they...
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