Recent content by Kel60

  1. Kel60

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Huzza I'm aliveeeee. Mostly just up to work but. I do have 4 new chicky babies. Our turkey went broody so we snuck out one night have and gave her some beepers. She's been an awesome mom and the other chickens haven't dared to even look at those kids so far. Sweetpea walks around fully floofed...
  2. Kel60

    First Egg in november?

    Some additional pics of my girl if that helps with id'ing her. Did not know female turkeys would flare their tails before! She's a show off.
  3. Kel60

    First Egg in november?

    I originally had 5 total. My aunt took the rest of them back to slaughter, hence I'll be hatching out more in the spring. My mom does insist in keeping a small light in the coup. No matter how many times iv told her not to. She of course knows all, so it goes. As for the species, that's just...
  4. Kel60

    First Egg in november?

    So my girl sweepea who hatched out around February just laid her first egg, in November for some inexplicable reason. I know sometimes out of season things can be a sign of problems should I be concerned? Or is she just being weird? Shes a bronze breasted turkey as far as I know. one thing...
  5. Kel60

    Pancake the coturnix quail is on a second clutch of eggs P_P help she wont stop making babies XD

    guys, guys. the 'i dont know what to do' was about the fact that this is fascinating and i really want her to keep going, but i dont have room.' not about how to prevent baby. -______- and yes i am looking for people for the current chicks. although i have just discovered that the...
  6. Kel60

    Pancake the coturnix quail is on a second clutch of eggs P_P help she wont stop making babies XD

    *looks into the baby pen wondering why i haven't seen pancake in a while* *pancake hiding the 10 eggs shes now sitting on* "these are not the droids you are looking for" i...i dont even know what to think of this duffus anymore. "coturnix quail never incubate eggs" "coturnix quail would...
  7. Kel60

    UPDATE - Pankcake and her beepers going strong

    people have been wanting an update on Pancake and the kids so here we go. one week in and the kids are getting there little wing pin feathers, and momma is still happily brooding them. they learned to scratch and everything so much quicker with her to teach them how its done. i feel like their a...
  8. Kel60

    Ended Broodies and Their Babies Photo Contest

    pancake the cotrunix quail and her (so far) 7 beepers
  9. Kel60

    Pancakes clutch has hatched :D 6 and counting. momma is brooding them to! now + video adorableness

    Shes still sitting on 5 unhatched Eggs. Hoping they make it I candled two while she was off the nest and there solid so something is in There. Maybe tonight. 7 currently toddling around
  10. Kel60

    Pancakes clutch has hatched :D 6 and counting. momma is brooding them to! now + video adorableness

    skip to 3mn for beans. couldnt edit the video
  11. Kel60

    Pancakes clutch has hatched :D 6 and counting. momma is brooding them to! now + video adorableness

    cool thing iv already noticed here. theres so quiet! i hear little peeps and momma squeaking back at them but none of the yelling baby coturnix quail tend to do. ill get to sleep though the night! no screaming babies. thoughts on how long i should leave mom with them? a few weeks at least but im...
  12. Kel60

    Pancakes clutch has hatched :D 6 and counting. momma is brooding them to! now + video adorableness

    a fun morning so far. i wake up to mom yelling about the eggs are hatched and her waving her phone and the spy cam app under my nose. we watch them for a minute and then other of the other hens grabbed one and tried to croc thrash it :/ lost one to the them but i got momma and the others in a...
  13. Kel60

    Broody quail update - still going strong

    well were on day 9 and shes still doing it guys. pancake looks to be going the whole way with her eggs i did thin the clutch down to 11 eggs. she had 16. not only is she sitting them. our little rooster romeo is being a good dad to. he's been sitting with her regularly. although i haven't seen...
  14. Kel60


    you guys are gonna love this!. Got my little spy cam in there. And look what I caught! My little roo romeo is cuddled up to pancakeThe closer bird to the camera is the roo. Pancake is behind him. duffus is ready to be a dad.
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