Recent content by Katiewshrum

  1. Katiewshrum

    12th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    Babies didn't hatch on time. Got 6 the day after Easter 🤷‍♀️
  2. Katiewshrum

    Baby chicks and slightly older chicks

    Thanks for the advice! That is sort of what I figured but wasn't too sure. Would you think the chicks next week would be ok to group with the chicks from this week since they will be only a few days apart in age/size?
  3. Katiewshrum

    Baby chicks and slightly older chicks

    I had 6 chicks hatch on March 15th and today (April 6th) is hatch day for my latest little group. Two chicks so far and -fingers crossed- five more chicks will soon join. I am worried about the 3 week old chicks and newbies in the brooder together. The chicks in the brooder now are obviously not...
  4. Katiewshrum

    12th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    New chick babies every Friday?! I am soooo jealous! Do you use one incubator or do you have multiple? Just hatched my first batch of eggs 2 days ago and already looking into a second incubator so I can stagger hatches
  5. Katiewshrum

    Hi from North Carolina!

    Carolina girls - best in the world!!!
  6. Katiewshrum

    Best breeds for broody hens?

    The only hen I have had to go broody is a buff orpington. She has gone broody probably 5 times in the last year. She is actually broody for the 6th time right now. Unfortunately, she has only hatched her eggs once, the last time in January. Something always seems to happen when she is in the...
  7. Katiewshrum

    Note to self: If the incubator is going to be in the bedroom, do not let hatch day fall on...

    Note to self: If the incubator is going to be in the bedroom, do not let hatch day fall on daylight savings weekend. 🐣 😴😴😴 Now excuse me while I drink 32oz of coffee...☕
  8. Katiewshrum

    Day 20 and not a pip

    28 DAYS?! My lord... lil baby was obviously way too comfortable in that egg. Apparently patience is a virtue, got the first pip at about 7pm on day 21 (yesterday) and last night three hatched!
  9. Katiewshrum

    Lock down questions first time incubating

    Seeing any pips or hatchings yet? I haven’t and I am wildely impatient 😹
  10. Katiewshrum

    It’s called fashion sweetie... look it up❤️

    It’s called fashion sweetie... look it up❤️
  11. Katiewshrum

    Day 20 and not a pip

    Currently halfway through day 20 and there are no pips in any of my 9 eggs. I candles before lockdown and all 9 had progressed beautifully. I have had difficulty regulating the humidity. It’s dropped as low as 65%. Temp has stayed steady at 38C. I know the chicks will come if and when they are...
  12. Katiewshrum

    12th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

    Good luck everyone on their hatchlings!!! My incubator just went into lockdown so my next set of chickie babies will be a little late 🐣🐣🐣
  13. Thankful for this weeks goodies

    Thankful for this weeks goodies

  14. Katiewshrum

    Lockdown has begun!!! Is it weird that I moved one of my security cameras so I can watch the...

    Lockdown has begun!!! Is it weird that I moved one of my security cameras so I can watch the incubator while I am at work? 🐣
  15. Katiewshrum

    Lock down questions first time incubating

    Good luck!!! Tomorrow starts my first lockdown too! Hopefully it’ll be a super successful weekend for us!
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