Recent content by katie_3487

  1. K

    Why is my chicken being weird?

    I went to go to lock up my girls tonight and one of my hens was peeping but it was like this weird peep, the squeak peep that she does before she lays, I thought it was weird because it’s dark.
  2. K

    Can chickens eat chia plants?

    I’ve heard chickens can eat chia seeds and chia sprouts but I’m wondering if they can eat chia plants?
  3. K

    Can chickens get sick from humans?

    I’ve had a cough for a couple of days and no other symptoms. I was just wondering if my chickens can get sick from me? I know they have sensitive respiratory systems so I don’t want to get them sick.
  4. K

    Dirty vent?

    I’ve noticed for the past couple of weeks that one of my hens has a dirty vent. It has this white, light brownish color and it looks like it is matted to her vent feathers. None of my other birds have that. They get a healthy amount of treats, not too much (I’ve heard that can cause it) what...
  5. K

    Why is my chicken making this noise?

    I went out to go check on my chickens and I hear one of my hens in the nesting box, facing towards the wall, making this odd, almost like squaking noise, it sounded like a concerning noise to me. I took a video but apparently you can’t upload videos on here, so I’ve included a picture of what...
  6. K

    Does rosemary attract any predators?

    I want to plant some rosemary next to my chicken run but before I do, I want to make sure that it doesn’t attract any predators?
  7. K

    I woke my chickens up accidentally

    I made sure that I said goodnight 😂 so that they wouldn’t be terrified, I think they were more confused.thank you!
  8. K

    I woke my chickens up accidentally

    hi! I went out to my chicken coop to make sure I had close the back lock and when I was fidgeting with it, I accidentally woke one of my chickens up, I heard her peeping and she sounded scared. I feel really bad. Is it bad that I woke them up? Will they go back to sleep?
  9. K

    Can chickens eat roasted sesame seeds?

    I gave them a little bit, I have three birds, I don’t think I gave them too much
  10. K

    Can chickens eat roasted sesame seeds?

    Can chickens eat roasted sesame seeds?
  11. K

    Is first Saturday lime safe for chickens?

    I have a question for all chicken keepers. Is first Saturday lime safe for chickens to eat? I’ve heard it’s safe for them to TOUCH, but I haven’t heard that they can eat it. My chickens tend to peck at their bedding and I don’t want them accidentally eating it if it’s not safe.
  12. K

    Chickens scared?

    My chickens have a treat thing that they peck to get treats. It hangs from the top of their run and they know how to use it. They’ve been using it fine for weeks and they haven’t been scared of it. Today, I filled it up and I was walking around their run to see if the coop needed to be clean...
  13. K

    How do I make my coop secure?

    I wish I could do that but my lock is weird and it doesn’t have the loop on the bottom. It looks like this.
  14. K

    How do I make my coop secure?

    I am not home, but when I get home, I will try to get some pictures!
  15. K

    How do I make my coop secure?

    The lock can only be raised probably a half a foot, but thank you!
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