Recent content by Kathy Golla

  1. Kathy Golla

    Has anyone had a hen with these symtoms?

    Have you had leghorns for long? They are a high production breed.
  2. Kathy Golla

    Pathology Lab Necropsy Report - For Informational Purposes Only

    I use Davis too. It must be nice to be able to drop off, I have to mail. Thanks for sharing this. It sounds very straightforward, which in a way is nice. Some are inconclusive, or tell the cause of death but don’t go past that to determine what the cause of the cause of death is, which can be...
  3. Kathy Golla

    SS swollen legs and feet getting worse-not emergency

    I agree with Eggcessive. With gout the whole foot is usually involved. Also, this seems to have been going on since Dec 2018, and if she had gout she most likely wouldnt be around. The swelling in the feet with gout signal end stage renal failure (articular usually precedes visceral gout). Gout...
  4. Kathy Golla

    Shell-Less Egg

    OH my gosh this is just too much for me this morning! I love her proud. Laying a good egg must have felt good to her!
  5. Kathy Golla

    Shell-Less Egg

    Hens are crazy!
  6. Kathy Golla

    Shell-Less Egg

    Of course they would...chickens haven’t been around this long as a prey animal for no reason!
  7. Kathy Golla

    Shell-Less Egg

    I would consider seriously any new variable as a possibility. That feed is balanced so the decrease ( she may not be getting a lot) may be having an effect. Couple that with the possibility she doesn’t love oyster shell or it’s being guarded.
  8. Kathy Golla

    What are your top five items for first aid kit?

    Ditto this and add vetricyn vf spray, sav a chick electrolytes, small permethrin 10% concentrate and nu stock cream. Good set of tweezers and small scissors and a head lamp. Ditto the dont stock up on a bunch of stuff, a lot of things have expiration dates.
  9. Kathy Golla

    Shell-Less Egg

    Wow I’m late to this conversation. Sorry this is happening Michelle. I have had a hen into the vet for a shell less egg and the vet said there is absolutely nothing you can do...medical treatment wise. He said if it happens a bunch of times then you know what problem you have (repro probs). When...
  10. Kathy Golla

    I need help re-introducing injured hen

    How long was she out of the flock? Are the other hens the same age as her? How many other hens do you have? Do you have a rooster? Before she got injured where was she on the pecking order?
  11. Kathy Golla

    Chickens attacked by hawk

    Check them over really really good under their feathers. Hawks like to bite and tear where big pieces of flesh are, like the back, breast, legs. Wash off their injuries with an antiseptic. Spray their injuries with Vetricyn or an antiseptic spray if you have it. Respray every day for a while...
  12. Kathy Golla

    Rooster with swollen ear, won't stop drinking

    Don't be hard on yourself. There's no doubt you did your very best for him. I'm so sorry, that stinks.
  13. Kathy Golla

    Vet couldn’t find anything wrong

    Im thinking you dont live in the US (?) so forgive me if these US terms dont translate. The antibiotics that the vet gave you, did he/she say to put it in the water? (Im making an assumption from your post). If the bird isnt regularly drinking putting the antibiotics in water wont help. She...
  14. Kathy Golla

    My chickens are dying

    Haven’t seen a reply about your geographic location, but Agree with Eggcessive. If you are located in India, Pakistan, the Middle East, Philippines, Indonesia, Mexico or Central America Newcastle disease and Avian Influenza are quick poultry killers and quite common. Sorry you are having...
  15. Kathy Golla

    Rooster with swollen ear, won't stop drinking

    Sounds like you are on a good path. Be aware of the amount of yogurt, dairy is not easily digested by poultry. It can cause gastro upset and diarrhea..which can back up to the crop...causing another set of problems.
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