Recent content by Kat_toaster

  1. Kat_toaster

    Sick chicken trying ti get her to drink water and eat food again

    I will look into those thank you im worried she wont make it through the night she can hardly stand at this point but she putting up a good fight to stay alive
  2. Kat_toaster

    Sick chicken trying ti get her to drink water and eat food again

    I have a lavender oprintion who must have gotten into something she shouldnt have as my chickens free range she had vent glee i think that i cleaned up but she hasnt eaten anything or drank any water for a few days now her crop was swollen yesterday and i gabe it a good massage and it went down...
  3. Kat_toaster

    New here

    Hello everyone im new here i live close to a hamlet and have 13 chickens 8 are lavender oprintons and im looking to build my flock im 24 years old and just starting out hoping to learn more so i can have the healthiest birds and have them live their best life
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