Recent content by KandiJane

  1. KandiJane

    Sick Hen-Upper respiratory? Mites?

    I have just been putting a sprinkling of Corid powder in her water since I change it daily. I syringe feed her water at least once a day to make sure she's getting something. I did worm her also, about a week ago when I first noticed all this. I used Safeguard. She may have laid eggs in the...
  2. KandiJane

    Sick Hen-Upper respiratory? Mites?

    I have heard some gurgling sounds and a few sneezes but no coughing, wheezing, mucous, watery/bubbly/pus in the eyes. She sits with her beak open even when it's cool which seems odd. Her crop is always pretty empty unfortunately. She does not lay eggs at all right now. I used pour on Ivermectin...
  3. KandiJane

    Sick Hen-Upper respiratory? Mites?

    So I have a girl who is only about 9 months old. She was an accidental hatch while I was trying to hatch guinea eggs under a broody hen so she's always been kind of a loner. I noticed her being less active than usual so I went to check her out and she was super skinny even though she didn't...
  4. KandiJane

    Wry neck only at night?

    Did you ever figure this out? I'm having the same exact issue! It's the strangest thing.
  5. KandiJane

    Chicken Swap in Roanoke, VA area

    I've searched this Forum but haven't seen any current info on swaps in Roanoke. I've been told that there is one the 3rd Saturday of the month at Tractor Supply but don't know what time. Does anyone have any info? Got to get rid of these roosters!!!
  6. KandiJane

    New to BYC

    That's my problem. I just can't kill them and can't find anyone who will:( One is so beautiful! Such a shame they just can't all get along, lol!
  7. KandiJane

    New to BYC

    I have had chickens for a couple of years now but this is my first time having roosters and I'm not really loving it! I have Red Comet Hens, Buff Orpington Hens and my brother gave me a mating pair of Araucana chickens that had 6 little ones recently. I bought some Ameraucana chicks at TSC...
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