Recent content by Kalik11

  1. Kalik11

    4 week old chick has long top beak and a lump under her bottom beak which appears to be her tongue! HELP

    I was thinking the same. Just wanted to see if anyone has dealt with this and if they survived or not.
  2. Kalik11

    Easter egger tongue in throat.

    Yes, I actually work for a vet. Although, I'm not sure they would do that kind of surgery on this chick. There really isn't much info out there when I try to look up this issue. This chick is smaller than the others because I'm sure it's not able to take in as much feed as the others but it also...
  3. Kalik11

    4 week old chick has long top beak and a lump under her bottom beak which appears to be her tongue! HELP

    I have this chick that I hatched, a silkie/millie cross that has a very small lower beak and long top beak. It appears as though it's tongue is in this "lump" under it beak. Has anyone experienced this? I've been making it a mash and it appears to be eating it. I'm not sure what to do for it, or...
  4. Kalik11

    Easter egger tongue in throat.

    Hello, Just wondering what happened with this chick? I have a 3 week old chick that this is happening too and not sure what to do.
  5. Kalik11

    Hawk attack survivor

    She was actually intubated, no IV fluids. I was shocked. She was kept very light under anesthesia. We don’t do birds so it was a learning experience for a lot of us there. Very cool though.
  6. Kalik11

    Hawk attack survivor

    Back in November my mottled Java, Cutlet was attacked by a hawk. I work in a veterinary office so I immediately wanted to do what I could for her, (she acted as though nothing happened and was eating grapes in my bathroom sink) although knowing it didn’t look good. Her entire chest was sliced...
  7. Kalik11

    Hawk attack survivor

    Back in November my mottled Java, Cutlet was attacked by a hawk. I work in a veterinary office so I immediately wanted to do what I could for her, (she acted as though nothing happened and was eating grapes in my bathroom sink) although knowing it didn’t look good. Her entire chest was sliced...
  8. Kalik11

    Help, hen having a hard time swallowing!

    Thank you so much for your help!
  9. Kalik11

    Help, hen having a hard time swallowing!

    Thanks for your reply. Everything looks normal when I open her beak except when I open her mouth she has some ropy saliva. They eat dumor organic crumbles and they have oyster shells and granite mixed in. We also save their own egg shells and crumble those in their feed. Her crop feels soft a...
  10. Kalik11

    Help, hen having a hard time swallowing!

    One of my hens is having a hard time swallowing! She is still trying to eat and drink. When she is eating, her food just sits in and around her beak. When she lowers her head to get more it just falls out with what looks like saliva? She tries to stretch her neck to get it to go down. Same with...
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