Recent content by kakayona

  1. kakayona

    How much feed for Cornish X

    you can ferment any feed
  2. kakayona

    How much feed for Cornish X

    80 is a lot! I suggest adding water like other poster said. Fermentation is not a complicated issue. It starts right away and adds protein percent immediately and turns the wasted powder into feed and is digested easier. For instance I feed my X's 1 time a day from arrival till 6 weeks then...
  3. kakayona

    Our meat birds, after butchering, are tough and dry

    I feed 22% for 4 weeks then 20% for 4 weeks then butcher. I feed them i time a day for first 6 weeks then twice a day for last 2 weeks with last 2 weeks being larger amounts. I ferment by simply adding water to feed for a period of 10 or so hours. My mortality rate has always been about 5% or so...
  4. kakayona

    Suggestions for lack of sunlight during day

    Put a standard UV garden light in their coop for about 2-3 hours a day. I put mine on a timer from about 2 1/2 hrs before sunlight till 1/2 hour after. I never put mine on before night because they can't tell when it will shut off and won't be able to perch. If they never really leave their coop...
  5. kakayona

    What is the ideal harvest weight non-dressed of a cx?

    I did 27 this last weekend and was wondering what is a good average weight before butchering? I didn't weigh after butchering. Thank you in advance!
  6. kakayona

    UPDATE*** How to build process station CHEAP (pics)

    i would wire that drill to a switch and zip tie the trigger. did it on my barrel plucker.
  7. kakayona

    feeding cornish

    23% chick starter for 3-weeks then 20% fermented chicken grower for 5 more till harvest.
  8. kakayona

    meatbirds can't walk

    Thing is that the food is out for like 6 hours a day. cut back on protein% from last batch of chicks i had. they are significantly smaller and i have MORE leg problems. i got these from a different hatchery tho. Is it possible i got some "not so good genetic" birds? 4 of my 35 can't walk. 2 died...
  9. kakayona

    meatbirds can't walk

    any way to tape their legs? read a post a long time ago but i think they were very young chicks. feeding 23% but only once a day. not 24/7. they are not huge or growing like crazy.
  10. kakayona

    meatbirds can't walk

    3 of my 33 birds can hardly walk. Hip/leg problems with this bread i am aware of. What can I do at this stage? They have 3-4 weeks till harvest and how or what can i do to get them there? Gonna have to separate them. What are the odds of bringing them bcak to walking or getting them to harvest?
  11. kakayona

    Broiler butchering question

    I would wait. How many do you have? They eat a TON at this age. From 9-10 weeks on 26% i got mega size.
  12. kakayona

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    can i feed fermented feed to day old chicks?
  13. kakayona

    Fermented Feeds

    I am getting chicks(35) crosses tomorrow, can i feed them fermented food? i got a batch cookin up.
  14. kakayona

    1 week left till slaughter

    i was thinking 6 lbs was on the light side. is it? they will be 60 days old when we harvest them.
  15. kakayona

    1 week left till slaughter

    birds are 53 days old(cx). weighed an average one and it was 6.2 lbs. they are all male too. Sunday is slaughter day. What can i do to give them one final good push till Sunday??? anything? using 25% protein right now.
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