Recent content by K.Riggs

  1. K.Riggs

    Please help, gosling in trouble.

    He is on anitone which is a good animal vitamin complex. I have him swimming in warm water twice daily and have been massaging as well. There is pretty bad overall weakness in the legs and feet and something seems off in his hips. He is going to the avian vet tomorrow Wish me luck, I've really...
  2. K.Riggs

    Please help, gosling in trouble.

    I had to remove a gosling from the parents due to curled toes. I strapped the toes and they are doing better today, I have given anitone and the swelling has gone down. Some bruising remains. I will apply some arnica. Yesterday he took a few steps with supports with feet strapped. The...
  3. K.Riggs

    Gosling with leg and feet problems.

    I had 8 of 9 goose eggs hatch under mother goose a few days ago. 6 the first day and two the next. I like to leave them alone for 24 hrs before inspecting closely for mum and dad to bond. I did watch out the window all day and the next morning I noticed the two small ones were struggling to keep...
  4. K.Riggs

    Ollie the drake

    Yes, It's all his original feathers and his bill and legs, just the inside of his body is modelled out of foam and his eyes are glass .
  5. K.Riggs

    ➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

    Thank you!!!! And that's great :D
  6. K.Riggs

    ➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

    Can someone please kindly tell me what happened with the two original balut and the other three that kiki got? I got like 100 pages in then skipped in like tens for the next 500 pages and was lost and trying to backtrack to figure it out and now my brain hurts so I'm asking :th
  7. K.Riggs

    Ollie the drake

    My favourite little drake that I rescued and nursed to health died suddenly a few months ago and I was a lot more upset than I expected to be! When he came to me he had been beaten and scarred by guinea fowl and had never seen a duck or swam in water before, he didn't know how to be a duck. He...
  8. K.Riggs

    Duck help?

    Sorry for your loss, hope he makes it :fl
  9. K.Riggs

    Sore bald patches on wings.

    Thanks I will upload pics in the morning and I will try the honey :)
  10. K.Riggs

    Sore bald patches on wings.

    He was in with guinea fowl and had never seen another duck before and yes they were clearly bashing him. Everything else has healed but these small raw bald patches on the blades of his wings and he has scars on his beak. He is only little, a white call duck I think.
  11. K.Riggs

    Sore bald patches on wings.

    My rescue duck has little bald sore looking patches on his wings that were worse he was in bad shape when I got him. He has no health issues is gaining condition in every other way. Just after a suggestion as to what to put on it. I will try to get a photo tomorrow.
  12. K.Riggs

    Cayuga Duck Club!

    My Cayuga's certainly have grown! About 12 weeks I saw my drake mating this morning already!
  13. K.Riggs

    Recommendations for next animals

    Mine are not at all human aggressive. It depends on the bird and the breed. I have Roman Tufted and Embden x Toulouse. My gander is not friendly when his lady is sitting but he still wont attack. I have them on 1/2 acre with 4 ft fences. Ask the breeder if they can fly many will tell you that...
  14. K.Riggs

    Goose or Gander and can you tell what breed this is?

    They are gorgeous I'd love some. I'm getting four Pilgrim goslings tomorrow morning. They were born a few hours ago, i'm giving them to my poor broody Toulouse Embden x who has been sitting a long time. her goslings were dead in the shell when I checked the other day. Here's hoping she accepts them.
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