Recent content by justuschickens59

  1. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Jeremy, Thanks for letting me know - I see they have a picture of Hagrid when he was young. THey have a telephone number listed on their page - I plan on giving them a call and letting them know that they are using a picture of my bird.
  2. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Honestly, I don't think this is that bad. When I imported eggs from England, my hatch was 2 out of 105. Thank goodness I got a pair !! I have a few thousand bucks in 2 birds - Winston & Clementine - worth every penny
  3. justuschickens59

    Hubby's New Toy

    Hubby got a new toy that was delivered this past Thursday, so I thought I would post a few pictures. It's a 1960 Dodge Dart Pioneer.
  4. justuschickens59

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Great pictures everyone !! Roger - I love that big ole boy you have. He's a beauty. I know this is a bit off topic, but my hubby got a "new toy" this past Thursday and wanted to post a few pictures of it. It's a 1960 Dodge Dart Pioneer.
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