Recent content by Justplainchickn

  1. Justplainchickn

    Lethargic, loosing weight, and green runny poo
  2. Justplainchickn

    Broody Hen Thread!

    She is a silkie, but seem pretty hardy! Only when it gets to single digits do I add some extra heat. It has been very cold this winter, making them a tough bunch
  3. Justplainchickn

    Lethargic, loosing weight, and green runny poo

    Good news and bad news. I thought it could be Mareks but as far as I understand the report it is not. Bad news if it is what I understand it to be it, it could effect my hens that my rooster breed with. Here is what the report said "L a b o r a t o r y F i n d i n g s/ D i ag n o si s...
  4. Justplainchickn

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I used golf balls or those wooden eggs from the hobby store to encourage the chickens to know where to lay. It worked so well, she went broody and continues to even after I leave the nest empty. I didn't have to worry about broken or rotting eggs while they were in training. Also heard it...
  5. Justplainchickn

    Broody Hen Thread!

    So wouldn't you know it, I placed eggs under my broody hen and it snows. She is nesting in a draft free area not insulated But I did pack some nice thick straw for her to nest in. It got down to mid to high 20's last night and probably won't hit above 40's today. Is there a point when I should...
  6. Justplainchickn

    Lethargic, loosing weight, and green runny poo

    Thank you! Sadly he died Sunday! Was super sad! He was such a cool rooster. Took Him in for a necropsy to figure out what killed him. Should hear back soon.
  7. Justplainchickn

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Love the pictures super cute! Really like mom with the chicks on the high shelf/nest
  8. Justplainchickn

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Thank you! This has been so much fun having chickens. New challenges all the time. The cool thing I realized the other day and was not even planned, these eggs should hatch the same day Cleopatra did. Thought it was too cool. Really neat watching chickens hatch in the incubator last year but...
  9. Justplainchickn

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I was so excited about hatching eggs out under my Silkie hen Cleopatra. I had, yes I said had, a beautiful silkie rooster who I really badly wanted to have offspring from. I was waiting a little longer for the weather to warm up more but my silkie hen went broody and stopped laying, then a week...
  10. Justplainchickn

    Lethargic, loosing weight, and green runny poo

    Thanks for responding! Well he stopped eacting crop was empty and he has been drinking a lot of water. I have been outside most of the day following the other chickens around and looking at poop. Saw white little round wiggling worms so i think my poor rooster got hit with parasites in and out...
  11. Justplainchickn

    Lethargic, loosing weight, and green runny poo

    Not sure if anyone can help. I realized my rooster was covered in patasites pretty sure they were lice. I feel it caused him a lot of stress and may have caused clostridium perfringens. he has all the symptoms of C.P. I gave him antibiotics by water, also dewormer, have been feeding him mushy...
  12. Justplainchickn

    Lethargic, loosing weight, and green runny poo

    Ok I'm not loosing another chicken. A couple weeks ago I lost my silkie hen. She was thinner then the rest then stopped staying with the flock and then stopped eating and died. I have my rooster now doing the same. Stopped crowing, lost his pep, tail feathers dragging, will drink lots of water...
  13. Justplainchickn

    Pasty Butt Won't Come Off! Please Help!!!!

    Hey I'm with you. I feared loosing any of them as well especially when you work so hard to keep them alive. Funny enough the chick that was the runt who kept getting pasty butt and we always monitored, ended up being a rooster. I posted them free cause then I could monitor and ask people what...
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